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在很多情况下,生物反馈训练更加有效。In some cases, biofeedback training may help.

本文介绍一种生物信息反馈治疗装置。This paper describes an electrotherapy device with biofeedback.

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自控力使你能够把一定伤害转化成淤伤。Biofeedback . Self-control allows you to take some damage as subdual damage.

目的探讨生物反馈治疗对肠易激综合征的疗效。Objective To investigate the effect of biofeedback on irritable bowel syndrome.

我试图放松技巧,例如瑜珈,运动,生物反馈和催眠治疗。I tried relaxation techniques like yoga, exercise, biofeedback and hypnotherapy.

生物反馈技术是高校健康咨询机构新兴起的一门应用技术。Biofeedback is a newly developed technology in health consulting center of colleges.

该研究是在审查了一个新的文章发表在最近一次的问题反馈。The research is reviewed in a new article published in a recent issue of Biofeedback.

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目的探讨脑电生物反馈治疗儿童抽动障碍的疗效。Objective To discuss the curative effect of EEG biofeedback treatment to child tic disorder.

结论脑电生物反馈是治疗儿童抽动障碍一种安全有效的治疗方法。Conclusion EEG biofeedback treatment is a safe and effective method to cure child tic disorder.

生物反馈是能够解决的不仅仅是痛苦,但是可以帮助与不同的健康状况。Biofeedback is able to address more than just pain but can help with a variety of health conditions.

其他治疗方法包括在下巴有肌肉中注射肉毒杆菌和Grindcare生物反馈器。Other treatments include Botox injections to the jaw muscle, and a biofeedback device called Grindcare.

一整天都是这个样子的,尽管生物反馈技术和一些药物可能会有缓解作用,但是仍然不能够根治。All day long. And there is no definitive cure, though biofeedback techniques and some medications may help.

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机器人用他的传感设置可以测出我的呼吸、心跳、体温等信息,这样他就能清楚地知道我什么时候想要,什么时候不想要,什么时候又将达到高潮。A robot partner can measure my respiration, heart rate, skin temperature and more using its biofeedback sensors.

比如,自我放松的高血压疗法如瑜伽、生物反馈和坐禅。For example, self-relaxation approaches to the therapy of hypertension include yoga, biofeedback , and meditation.

主要方向有心血管保护机制和生物反馈生理机制的研究。He is major in the effects and mechanisms of cardiovascular protection and physiological mechanism of biofeedback.

目的观察皮温生物反馈疗法治疗高血压病的效果。Objective To explore the effect of skin temperature biofeedback and relaxation training therapy on primary hypertension.

植物神经系统虽然不受意志控制,但是我们可以通过生物反馈技术以及瑜伽实现对它的控制。Although not normally under our conscious control, they can be controlled through the techniques of biofeedback and yoga.

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目的观察脑梗死偏瘫患者接受肌电生物反馈治疗的效果。Objective To observe the effect of electromyographic biofeedback therapy on hemiplegia of patients with cerebral infarction.

继而用于生物反馈,增加运动的选择性和协调性,加速功能的恢复。Subsequently, SEMG is used for biofeedback to increase sports selectivity and concordant and accelerate functional recovery.

因此,生物反馈技术可以做为增强运动员心理技能的一种有效的心理训练方法。Therefore, biofeedback technology can be used as an effective method of mental training to improve the athletes' mental skill.