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我得了淋病。I got gonorrhea.

这位赤脚医生有治疗白浊的偏方。The doctor has a way to treat gonorrhea.

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目前,患有衣原体感染和淋病的人数正日益增加。The prevalence of gonorrhea and chlamydia are increasing.

在同一时期,965例淋病病例记录在案。In the same period, 965 cases of gonorrhea were documented.

他们也支持大对淋病男女患者进行常规复查。They also support routine re-testing of men and women with gonorrhea.

两种常见的性传播感染是衣原体和支原体。Two common sexually transmitted infections are chlamydia and gonorrhea.

不推荐应用喹诺酮类治疗在加利福尼亚或者夏威夷患上的淋病。Quinolones are not recommended to treat gonorrhea acquired in California or Hawaii.

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淋病奈氏菌、沙眼衣原体及葡萄球菌沿此途径扩散。Gonorrhea naraku's bacteria, chlamydia trachomatis and staphylococcus along the way to spread.

衣原体病、淋病等都能导致输卵管损伤。Sexually transmitted infections — such as chlamydia and gonorrhea — can damage the fallopian tubes.

酗酒的女性患上淋病的可能性是不喝酒的女性的五倍。Compared to non-drinking women, women binge drinkers are also five times as likely to have gonorrhea.

凡在多形核白细胞内见到革兰阴性双球菌者,则为淋病感染。Whoever is in many nucleation leukocytes inside see gram-negative diplococcus, who is gonorrhea infection.

方法对380例淋菌培养阳性患者进行追踪调查,将复诊结果进行回顾性分析。METHODS To track and investigate the 380 gonorrhea patients, and review their results of further consultation.

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因为淋病的早期症状在男子是痛苦的和严重的,所以他们会积极求治。Because the early symptoms of gonorrhea in men is a painful and serious, so they will actively seek governance.

患者中诊断为淋病的多见于男性,诊断为尖锐湿疣的多见于女性。Patients diagnosed with gonorrhea were mainly male, and diagnosed with condyloma acuminatum were mainly female.

淋病引起女性生殖系统炎症时,有脓性白带、腰痛、下腹痛。Gonorrhea causing female reproductive system inflammation, has purulent sex leucorrhea, lumbago, abdominal pain.

长期以来,在西方工业化国家,最常见的性传播疾病有衣原体感染、淋病和梅毒。In the Western industrialized countries the most common STDs have long been chlamydia, gonorrhea , and syphilis.

为了进一步探讨“淋病后综合征”的病因及与性病恐怖症之间的关系。To study the relationship between the etiology of gonorrhea syndrome and venereal nosophobia, We tested chlamydiae.

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结论阿奇霉素可作为衡阳地区淋病治疗的首选药物,罗红霉素可作为淋病治疗的替代性药物。Conclusion Azithromycin can be used as first-line agents to cure gonorrhea and roxithromycin used for alternative agents.

1918年,国会通过Chamberlain-Kahn法案,分拨款项来对士兵进行梅毒和淋病教育。In 1918, Congress passed The Chamberlain-Kahn Act, which allocated money to educate soldiers about syphilis and gonorrhea.

本文用淋球菌培养比较研究对革兰氏染色法在女性淋病诊断中的应用作重新评价。This study re-evaluated the application of Gram's stain in diagnosing gonorrhea in women by comparing with gonococci culture.