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本系对此一课程另有施行细则规范。In addition, the details of this course are enacted in a bylaw.

一些一般的意见和资料非营利附法律形式确定下来。Some general advice and information on a non-profit bylaw legal form.

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话又说回来,你是为讨论需要一个附法律形式确定下来。Let's say for the sake of discussion you are in need of a bylaw legal form.

第三十三条本细则自一九九一年七月一日起施行。Article 33. This Bylaw shall become effective as from the first day of July of 1991.

本堂会可采行细则。但任何细则不得与本章程有冲突。C15.01 This congregation may adopt bylaws. No bylaw may conflict with this constitution.

图书馆在制定、执行规则时经常有侵犯读者权益的现象发生。Library at set up, carry out bylaw usually have invasion the phenomenon of reader's rights occurrence.

本文件的复制,引用,或者再生产,揭露内容,是受法律限制的。Permission to copy, quote from, or otherwise reproduce or reveal the contents of this document is limited bylaw.

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本公司入会后将遵守香港玉山科技协会章程。The undersigned agrees to follow the bylaw of Monte Jade Science and Technology Association of Hong Kong Limited.

本细则由国务院环境保护部门负责解释。Environmental protection departments under the State Council shall be held responsible for the interpretation of This Bylaw.

提高医护人员素质,严格执行规章制度,加强预见性护理。Nursing countermeasure was to enhance the diathesis of paramedic, implement the bylaw strictly and strengthen forecast nursing.

本办法依本校「博士班、硕士班研究生学位考试细则」第二条规定订定之。This bylaw is in accordance with regulation number two of the "Examination Rules of Degree for Master and Ph. D. Candidates, NCU".

第三十二条本细则由国务院环境保护部门负责解释。Article 32. Environmental protection departments under the State Council shall be held responsible for the interpretation of This Bylaw.

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条例曾经引发了大量的争论,批评的人认为对身无分文的行乞者罚款是毫无根据的。The bylaw sparked much controversy, with critics calling it outrageous to hand out fines to panhandlers who have no money to begin with.

本办法如有未尽事宜,依教育部及本校有关规定办理。If this bylaw is anywhere incomplete, students should consult with the related rules set by the University and the Ministry of Education.

一项关于在英格兰和威尔士捕捞淡水虾蟹的新规定在2005年6月1日开始实施了,允许在不伤害白爪虾蟹的地方捕捞外来的虾蟹。A new bylaw for trapping crayfish in England and Wales came into force on 1 June, 2005, allowing trapping where it can be shown not to harm white-clawed crayfish.

债务本身是由联邦储备持有,所产生的利息支付给银行,剩余的将依法返给美国财政部。Thedebt itself is held by the Federal Reserve and dividend from the interest ispaid out to member banks with the remainder returned back to the US Treasury bylaw.

起草、修改中外合资企业合同、章程、董事会决议、董事长、总经理任命书等,并办理登记、变更手续。To draft, amend the Sino-foreign joint venture contract, Article of Association , decisions of the board, bylaw and help to go through all the procedures and so on.

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官员们认为,渔人使用小于合法网眼的渔网捕鱼,造成幼鱼在未长成、未繁殖之前就被毁灭。Officials believe anglers using nets with smaller openings than permitted bylaw have devastated the juvenile fish before they grow to adult size and areable to breed.

关于董事局人选,我们相信,我们提名的董事都能按照公司的规定,做出自己独立的判断。In regard to the candidates to serve on the Board, we believe that the candidates we have nominated would be capable of making decisions which are in line with Company Bylaw.

公司通过引进先进的生产设备,不断改进和提高产品的质量,并且从技术到售后服务都有严格的规章制度。By importing advanced producing equipments, our company ameliorates and consummates the quality of productions, and administers strict bylaw both to the technique and after service.