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入口的通道几乎和外面一样寒冷。The entryway was nigh as cold as the air outside.

我提起另一个,装满了水,跟在她后面,穿过入口通道。I took the other one, filled it, and followed her through the entryway.

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他的总管伊拉玛正在入口通道内不安地等著他。Erasmus, his chief bookkeeper, waited uncertainly just beyond the entryway.

叶片形门挡看起来像从天空中飘来的叶子,不经意间吹入到你家门口。Loose Leaf looks like it wafted out of the sky and flitted to your entryway.

她搀着我的胳膊,领着我穿过了黑洞洞的门廊来到一座院子里。The woman seized my arm and pulled me through the dark entryway into the courtyard.

用灵动的色彩来描画入口或门厅,厨房和小角落也一样。Paint your entryway or hallway a fun color, the same for the kitchen and small nooks.

一两排挂钩可以利用墙上空间,空出入口的地板和壁橱。A row or two of pegs makes use of wall space and frees up the entryway floor and closet.

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她们进入了庄园,沿着主干道来到房子的入口通道。They entered the property and followed the internal road until the entryway of the house.

推开刻花玻璃门可以看到皇家人员日常经过的优雅入口通道和宏伟豪华的楼梯。The etched glass doors open to the elegant entryway and grand staircase where royalty tread.

然后突然时间过去了,他站在入口,用颤抖的手指嗯下门铃。Then suddenly they had, and he was standing in the entryway holding his finger to the buzzer.

安装入口处污垢捕捉系统。使用优质的空气过滤器,并定期更换。Install entryway dirt-capturing systems. Use good quality air filters and change them regularly.

甲石头山乡村俱乐部房地产家里的光石板入口唤起传统和牢固。A Stone Mountain country club estate home's light stone slab entryway evokes tradition and solidity.

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一条宽敞的通道两旁种着蔷薇,通往有着大理石地板和大窗户的房子。A broad entryway flanked by rosebushes led to the sprawling house of marble floors and wide windows.

甜点过后,大家在长椅上“摊”了一会儿,开始到门前穿上衣服。After dessert, people lounged on the couches for a while, then pulled on their clothes in the entryway.

像选择这样的长椅一样挑选入口处的家具,它们需要具有多种功能,在下层有储物空间。Choose entryway furniture that is multifunctional―like this bench with storage compartments underneath.

卡特维卡的每个每家每户都有在家门口和在屋里打盹儿时与熊遭遇的故事。Every family in Kaktovik has a story about a polar bear in their entryway or taking a nap under their house.

等候区的入口处,并为爱迪生的房子。参观者可以包括赖特兄弟,或暹罗国王。The entryway and waiting area for Edison's house. Visitors could include the Wright Brothers, or the King of Siam.

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抬高地面使其拥有一定坡度,从而划分出运动场地的范围,场地的两个角落分别形成了一个下沉式院落和被悬挑的建筑部分遮蔽的入口。Sunken courtyards and a covered entryway will be created in the two corners of the pitch by raising the ground into a slope.

打开一扇黑色的锻铁门,便是瓷砖铺砌的入口,再往里是三层搁板,摆放的全是亡者的尸体。A black wrought-iron gate opened onto a tiled entryway that led to the three levels of shelves where the dead were to be placed.

我们谈论的中东入口成为一个空间的门户或者为某种能量去发现文明进入行星的入口通道。We talked about the portal in the Middle East being a dimensional doorway or entryway onto the planet for certain energies to find civilization.