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专属提供运动型座椅。Exclusive provide motile seats.

经常跳舞会导致膝关节运动型损伤吗?。Often dance can you bring about knee joint motile to injure?

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由游动孢子囊产生的无性可自由运动的孢子。Zoospore An asexual motile spore produced by a zoosporangium.

复合培养的精子运动能力明显增加。The motile ability of co-cultured sperm increased significantly.

在生活史的各阶段都不发育产生游动孢子。They do not produce motile spores at any stage of the life cycle.

教师是高校人力资源中的第一资源,是活的资源、能动的资源。Teachers are the first in university human resources, which are live and motile.

其二,制度对人的自由发展起能动的反作用。Secondly, institution plays a motile counteractive rule to the human free development.

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有些活动的有鞭毛的细菌在稍微潮湿的表面上扩张得很快。Certain motile flagellated bacteria can rapidly spread over the slightly moist surface.

市场上的运动型饮料,在排毒的几天里最好不要饮用。In the days of detox, you'd better not to drink the kind of motile beverage in the market.

苏铁和银杏具活动精子可区别于买麻藤和松柏类,它们不产生花粉。Cycads and ginkgo have motile sperm, unlike gnetophytes and conifers, which produce pollen.

苏铁和银杏具活动精子可区别于买麻藤和松柏类,它们不产生花粉。Cycads and ginkgo have motile sperm, unlike gnetophytes and conifers , which produce pollen.

漂浮浒苔的游孢子、配子或配子结合形成的合子均能发育成一株新的藻体。The spores and gametes could grow to new thalli independently, and the same to motile zygotes.

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抽烟的男性精子数量基本正常,但精子活性不如不抽烟的男性。Men who smoked had normal numbers of sperm, but they were less motile than those of nonsmokers.

能动菌可以到处移动,它们的移动要么靠滑行,要么靠鞭毛,或者靠浮力的改变。Motile bacteria can move about, either using bacterial gliding, flagella or changes of buoyancy.

其配子具有明显的正趋光性,合子具有负趋光性。Gametes showed intensive positive phototaxis, after syngamy, motile zygotes showed negative phototaxis.

这些观察表明,JMY控制运动细胞中的肌动蛋白是一个重要因素。These observations indicate that JMY is an important factor controlling actin dynamics in motile cells.

日常饮食中喜欢水果、谷物如燕麦、小麦等的男性精子充足且活性强。Men whose diets were higher in fruit and grains like oats and wheat had more numerous and more motile sperm.

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另一方面,经常饮酒和过度肥胖的男性精子数量相对稀少且活性不足。On the other hand, men who drank alcohol and those who were overweight had less numerous and less motile sperm.

游出是指白细胞从血管内进入血管周围组织的过程。Emigration refers to the process by which motile white cells escape from the blood vessels to the perivascular tissues.

男性肥胖伴随着低精子浓度和低的进行性活动精子计数。Male obesity is associated with increased incidence of low sperm concentration and low progressively motile sperm count.