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甚至在个别地区检测出2.8万贝克勒尔。Detected in some areas even 28,000 Becquerel.

其实,最早发现是一个名叫贝克勒尔的人。In fact, the first found to be a man named Henri Becquerel.

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柏克瑞尔发现世界上存在着这种奇怪的放射现象。Becquerel had discovered the fact that this strange radiation existed in the world.

而日本原子能安全委员会测算数值为62万万亿贝克勒尔。The Japanese Nuclear Safety Commission estimated value of 620,000 trillion Becquerel.

贝克勒尔把这现象交付给了他的学生玛丽居里和她的丈夫皮埃尔。Becquerel handed the phenomenon off to his student Marie Curie and her husband Pierre.

法国科学家贝克勒尔早已发现铀中的盐含有某种发光的物质。Becquerel had already found that the salts of uranium had some light-giving properties.

诺贝尔奖金委员会调查了此项研究是由贝克雷尔和居里夫妇共同完成的。The Nobel Committee investigated the research done by Becquerel and both of the Curies.

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玛丽,皮埃尔·居里与昂利·贝克雷尔同时被提名为1902年的诺贝尔奖的得主,可是居里夫妇并没有获奖。Marie Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel were nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1902, but didn’t win.

两个星期以后,贝克雷尔注意到,即使不把它们置之于阳光之下,铀也会在底片上留下不可磨灭的痕迹。Two weeks later, Becquerel noticed that uranium had left a mark even though not exposed to sunlight.

不过,在21日的检测中,饭馆村自来水碘放射性活度已下降到492贝克勒尔。However, the detection of 21, a restaurant village water iodine radioactivity had dropped to 492 Becquerel.

居里夫妇和科学家亨利·贝克勒尔因发现了放射能而获得了1903年的诺贝尔物理学奖。The Curies and scientist Henri Becquerel won a Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for discovering radioactivity.

1921年,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦因自己的物理解释荣获诺贝尔奖。Becquerel in 1839, and Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his physical explanation of it in 1921.

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其中1人的母乳中每千克含3.5贝克勒尔放射性碘和2.4贝克勒尔放射性铯。In which the breast milk of 1 kg of radioactive iodine with 3.5 and 2.4 Becquerel Becquerel radioactive cesium.

不过在离海岸10公里采集的浮游生物,这一浓度只有每公斤6贝克勒尔。However, the coast 10 km away from the collection of plankton, the concentration of only 6 Becquerel per kilogram.

其实,皮埃尔一直不喜欢也不信任贝克雷尔,因为贝克雷尔是皮埃尔非常嫌恶的政治集团的成员。In fact, Pierre had never liked nor trusted Becquerel who was part of the political hierarchy that Pierre so detested.

事实上,是居里创造了放射这个术语,尽管贝可勒耳更早发现了这个现象。In fact, it was Curie that coined the term radioactivity, though Henri Becquerel discovered the phenomenon years earlier.

在切尔诺贝利核事故中的55.5万贝克勒尔这一标准相当于一年被辐射量为5毫希。The Chernobyl nuclear accident in the 555 000 Becquerel is the standard amount of radiation equivalent to one year to 5 mSv.

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检测发现,在海岸附近采集的浮游生物体内放射性铯活度最高达到每公斤669贝克勒尔。Detected in marine plankton collected near the body of the maximum activity of radioactive cesium 669 Becquerel per kilogram.

在福岛县伊达市的阿武隈川中游,铯137和铯134合计每天达1765亿贝克勒尔。Ida City in Fukushima Prefecture Abukuma River's middle reaches, cesium 137 and cesium-134 per day total of 176.5 billion Becquerel.

科学界为了表彰他的杰出贡献,将放射性物质的射线定名为“贝克勒尔射线。”The scientific community in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the radiation of radioactive substances known as the "Becquerel rays."