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备用支艇架手柄不转动。The handle for store davit not turn.

备用支艇架的扶手应改为便携式。The handrails around store davit to be changed with portable type.

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苏伊士运河探照灯,但插座和吊柱由建造方提供。Suez Canal searchlight, but socket and davit to be supplied by builder.

救生艇吊艇柱严重锈蚀,限位器卡死。Both lifeboat davits seriously corroded, Stbd. davit limit switch seized.

吊柱或铰链的详情应符合容器标准。The details of davit or hinge shall be in accordance with Vessel Standard.

该文对水下泵吊放装置的机构原理及设计要点作概要介绍。This paper summaries the structure principle and design points of underwater pump davit.

吊块及主吊梁的安装是某型号卫星整星吊具安装中的关键环节。The fixing of davit and primary lifting beam is the key for assembling the hoisting tool of satellite.

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所有救生艇吊柱的滑轮和滚轮拆开检查、清洁、加油并装妥。All sheaves and rollers of the life boat davit need to be overhauled, cleaned, greased and reassembled.

小艇摆放出吊架前,应确认所有系固或艇边扶手绳清爽,不会缠绕小艇。To prevent lashing or gripes from getting entangled, proper release should be checked before swinging out the davit.

救助艇内某一位置操纵降落机械装置的布置丢失。Aunch mechanism of the rescue boat's davit possible to be operated by one person from within the rescue boat missing.