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他们老是在闲荡。They are always dawdling.

别瞎泡了,快把工作做完!Stop dawdling and finish your work!

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不要闲逛了,做点有益的事情吧。Stop dawdling and do something useful!

别偷懒了,快来帮我拿这些手提箱吧。Stop dawdling and help me with these suitcases.

如果你这么泡蘑菇,什么时候才完得了?When will you ever be able to finish, if you go on dawdling like this?

可是,看到一个拥有如此多采取行动动机的行业还在如此拖延,实在令人不安。But it's disconcerting to see so much dawdling in an industry with so much incentive to act.

“我们在磨蹭什么?”他怒吼道。指挥舰变得模糊起来,进入了超光速状态。"Why are we dawdling ?" he bellowed. The command ship blurred forward to superluminal speed.

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相对于继续拖延时间的外交斡旋,对美国来说实现停火是个更谨慎的选择。Rather than continuing dawdling diplomacy it would be prudent for the US to embrace a cease-fire.

接着,探索旅程开始在即,我们意识到闲逛是通过这一特别通道的上佳之选。Then, as we started exploring, we realised this particular gateway is one where dawdling is very much in order.

结果是预料之内的平局,并且在大部分时间里是没有激情的辩论,但这毫无疑问更对奥巴马更有利。The result was a draw in a predictable and mostly dawdling debate, but that undoubtedly suits Mr Obama much better.

三分之二的被调查者称他们最讨厌的事情就是前面的人磨蹭或拖拉。Two thirds of respondents said " faffing , " or dawdling , by those in front of them was the thing they hated most.

林天娇厌恶他的游手好闲,而他鄙视她总是努力表现得完美而忽略自己真正的梦想。Lin loathes him for dawdling around, and he scorns her for trying too hard to appear perfect while neglecting her true desires.

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默克尔一直承受着巨大压力,美国攻击说欧洲反应太慢,需要迅速拿出解决方案。Merkel had been put under extra pressure to reach a speedy solution after coming under attack from the US for damaging dawdling.

肖已经和他以前的好朋友兼室友疏远了,因为室友去上课之前磨磨蹭蹭让他受不了。Xiao has been estranged from his roommate and former buddy because he was short-tempered with him for dawdling before leaving for classes.

我正在舞台入口处闲荡,希冀同某个女演员不期而遇,这时一部敞开的卡车在人行道上停住了。I was dawdling about the stage entrance, hoping vaguely for a casual brush with one of the butterflies, when an open truck pulls up to the sidewalk.

陷于欧元区危机的17个国家和4家欧洲机构将继续胡乱对付,但他们不可能一直这样懒散下去。The 17 countries and four European institutions now entangled in the euro zone crisis will continue trying to muddle through, but their dawdling can't be sustained.