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听诊头,耳挂,Y形胶管可以选配。The head, binaural and Y-tubing can choose.

重放双耳信号可自然逼真地再现原声场。Good natural results are obtained with binaural sound reproduction.

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同步和半同步都可以提供高质量的双耳节奏技术。Holosync and Hemi-sync both provide high quality binaural beat technology.

您将要听到的声音是由所谓的“双路立体声”技术录制的。The sound you are about to hear has been recorded using binaural technique.

最后对该领域未来研究方向作展望。Future study directions on the binaural processing mechanism were also suggested.

这是活跃在极低剂量,我们抓获了其本质的双耳形式。It is active at extremely low doses, and we have captured its' essence in binaural form.

最后利用连续球面空间上的HRIR对双耳信号进行滤波处理。Finally the binaural sound signal is filtered by the HRIR on the continuous sphere space.

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探讨了在双通路立体声条件下的双耳掩蔽效应。The binaural masking effect under stereophonic condition is mainly studied in this paper.

第二部分是这款产品的音频音调,交织成双耳的音乐。The second component of this product is the binaural audio tones that are interwoven into the music.

原子弹混合一切,我们知道如何双耳剂量可以影响你,坡道它倍至无限远。A-BOMB mixes everything we know about how binaural doses can effect you, and ramps it up times infinity.

在填补我们对双声道融接的知识上的空白之外,我们希望开始注重其他问题。Beyond filling in the gaps in our knowledge of binaural fusion, we hope to begin addressing other problems.

宝宝第一次做听力筛查时也是双耳均不通过,当时我也感到特别害怕。The first time my son to do binaural hearing screening is also not passed, then I am particularly afraid of.

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目的评价老年人重度和极重度聋双耳助听效果。方法比较单耳和双耳助听后的言语识别率。Objective To evaluate the effect of binaural hearing aids in the old patients with severe and profound deafness.

双目机器视觉和双耳机器听觉重现光和声音的方向和距离感。Binocular machine vision and binaural machine hearing reproduce senses of optical and audio direction and distance.

当结合双耳音频语气轻松的音乐放松治疗的影响大大增强。When combined with binaural audio tones the relaxing affect of the therapeutic relaxation music is greatly enhanced.

双耳节奏让两只耳朵听到不同的声调给听者的脑电波带来一些细微的改变。Binaural beats use slightly different tones in each ear to actually induce a slight change in the listener's brainwaves.

最后讨论了近场HRTF在双耳听觉和消费电子领域的应用。At last, some applications of HRTFs for nearby sources to binaural hearing and the field of consumer electronics are discussed.

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录音点可选择外耳道入口至鼓膜之间的任一点,而堵塞的外耳道入口是作为录音点的最佳选择,因为该点的声音信号包含有最少的个人信息。Recording points for the binaural signals can be any point from the entrance of the ear canal to the eardrum, alternative to the eardrum.

双耳听音环境仿真是设计和评价建筑或舱内声场的重要技术手段。Simulation of binaural hearing environment is an important approach for the design and assessment of sound fields in buildings or cabins.

通过冥想或是诸如双耳节拍这样的脑波音频,我们能够绕过意识直接作用于潜意识思想。By meditating or using brainwave audios such as binaural beats you are able to bypass the conscious mind and work directly with the subconscious mind.