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提高品牌的责任性。Brand accountability is heightened.

让你变得更有责任感。To provide you with accountability.

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罪犯的责任意味着什么?What does perp accountability mean?

你们需要监管和问责。You need oversight and accountability.

这是问责制的基础。This is the foundation of accountability.

它们应该可以落实责任和监管。It has to have accountability and oversight.

出现这种“责任性”问题其实是不正常的。Yet such signs of accountability are unusual.

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负责任是在家办公的一项挑战。One challenge of working from home is accountability.

坎波斯是员工责任制的强烈支持者。Campos is a strong proponent of employee accountability.

这能给予你可信度和所需要的动力。This gives you the accountability and motivation needed.

这就是管理工作和责任制的意义。This is what is meant by stewardship and accountability.

现有的安全性和可问责性是什么样的?What security and accountability mechanisms are in place?

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它延续并发展了2006年关于问责制的主题。It follows and builds on the 2006 theme of accountability.

业绩考核与责任感之间的联系The link between performance appraisals and accountability.

电子银行交易的不可否认与可追查责任特性。Non-repudiation and accountability fore-banking transactions.

但是你必须在个人需求和责任感两方面做出平衡。But you must balance that need with the need for accountability.

媒体可发挥制衡作用,确保良政治理和问责性。Media can play role ensuring good governance and accountability.

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我们强调的是保持网站的责任感和透明度。We emphasized accountability and transparency over gate keeping.

军队的主管应该在开始就有责任。Accountability starts with the commander in charge of this troop.

具备团队合作精神。为人正直,有责任感。Team work spirit. Integrity and accountability is highly desired.