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今天是设营第七天了——他们有自己的协会会议。It's Day Seven of the encampment -- they have AA meetings.

回神君,已经安排到营地。Return to utter being marquis, have yet sorted encampment.

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示威在人民公园已经有四十三年的历史了。We've had a long-term encampment at People's Park for 43 years.

营地在周围时不时的雪崩声中陷入了沉寂。The encampment got into quiet in the sounds of snowslide sporadically.

我的侦察班在贝多因的一个小营地与萨达姆军队交战。My recon squad had engaged Saddam's army in a small Bedouin encampment.

阿纳金搜遍沙漠,终于在一座塔斯肯人的宿营地中找到了施密。Anakin searched the desert for Shmi, finding her in a Tusken encampment.

瓦沃纳是现在公园西南部的印第安人营地。Wawona was an Indian encampment in what is now the southwestern part of the park.

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但不管怎样这个“占领华尔街”运动的营地却开始看起来像个帐篷城市了。But the Occupy Wall Street encampment is beginning to resemble a tent city anyway.

一生要经过很多站,每一站都有功课要学,只要心归向神,每一站都会得益处。Each encampment had its own lesson, those really following God would gain from it.

山姆的帐篷位于“神秘街道”,这是面对大西洋大道的一块营地。Sam's tent is on "Weird Street, " a section of the encampment fronting Atlantic Avenue.

车阵用运货车围成的围栏,用作营地的防御地区。An enclosure formed by a circle of wagons for defense against attack during an encampment.

而相比之下,与之相邻的图片则没有这样处理,它描绘的是个军事宿营地。Meanwhile, its companion image picturing a military encampment is given no such treatment.

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在10月12日有两名患病儿童从牧区乘车来到医院。On October 12 two sick children arrived at the hospital in a vehicle from a nomad encampment.

初次嗅到了鹿群到达的迹象时,营地里的猎狗们跳起了它们的四条腿并竖起了耳朵。At the first hint of the herd's arrival, the dogs in the encampment leap to their feet, ears erect.

营地东北方向,传来轧轧的直升机螺旋桨的转动声。The northeast of the encampment direction, spread the turning of helicopter propeller of Ya Ya voice.

把手榴弹丢到铁罐中,扔到敌营里,就能把他们炸的七零八落。Throw a grenade into a corrugated tin shack in an enemy encampment and the whole thing will collapse.

尽管露营行为不怎么守规矩,但因为所有人都在一个固定的地点,警方监督起来也比较容易。As unruly as the encampment often was, it was easy for police to monitor since it was in a fixed site.

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周一早晨,当局逮捕了32人并且清除了“占领”运动的营地。Earlier Monday, authorities arrested 32 people and cleared out an Occupy encampment. Eureka police Sgt.

在一条河流进行巡逻的海军部队偶然发现了哲塔斯毒品卡特尔成员的营地。A navy unit patrolling a river came across an encampment belonging to members of the Zetas drugs cartel.

时报广场的示威者来自美国各地,很多人并没有参与扎营祖科蒂公园的活动。The protesters in Times Square came from around the country and many were not part of the park encampment.