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这实在不值一提。It really isn t worth mentioning.

光射线对你的相机没有损伤。X-ray isn t harmful to your camera.

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您不适合这款产品。This product isn t suitable for you.

本报盘以货色未售出为条件。The offer isn"t subject to prior sale."

只有礼貌和规范是不够的。Being polite and diciplined isn t enough.

去月球并不遥远,最遥远的距离是在人与人之间。Going to the moon isn t very far, the greatest

对不起,恐怕我这个星期都没什么时间。Sorry, but this week isn t very convenient for me.

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在美国,狗过的日子还是蛮不赖的。Leading a dog s life in America isn t such a bad thing.

别往心�去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例。This test isn"t that important. Don"t take it to heart.

我不怀疑可能最大限度地利用你的时间。I suspect that probably isn t the best use of your time.

人们冠是没有为战斗而是为展示象孔雀。People belive the crest isn t for fight but just for show like the peacock.

我的病因在于那个可恶的性冷淡太太,生意完全没有发展。My trouble is all due to that damned frigid wife! There isn?t even any seed.

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她长得并不特别高,但是她身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉。She isn t particularly tall, but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.

我的良知纯洁没有污点,不管外界的流言蜚语和造谣中伤。My conscience stays untainted isn spite of rumors and slanders from the outside.

从本质上讲,网络恶搞并没有太多的恶意,只是一种自娱的手段或需要。In essence, the Internet " Kuso" isn" t evil. It is only a means of entertainment.

立即回应则显得一个人不习惯沉默。The need to respond right away shows that a person isn t comfortable with silence.

在竞争激烈的中国互联网市场,搜狐的对手不会对此无动于衷。In China"s dog-eat-dog online world, Sohu"s competition isn"t taking any of this sitting down.

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目前国内外尚无离心机评价抗荷装备的通用规范。However, there isn ta general specification for human centrifuge evaluation of anti G equipment.

与其它信仰形式相比,道德信仰具有基础性、真诚性、崇高性和非终极性等特点。In contrast to other forms of beliefs, moral belief is elementary, sincere, noble and isn t ultimate.

但是,这位四十七岁的美甲师也不能如其所愿地修剪、锉磨、上油那么多的指甲了。But the 47 year old manicurist isn"t cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as she"d like to, either.