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这饼干很酥脆。This cookie is crisp.

这回答干脆利落。It was a crisp answer.

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柔软,有酸味呢?Soft , and a crisp acidity?

听她的嗓音多脆!What a crisp voice she has!

它是一个干脆利落的视觉冲击。It has a crisp visual impact.

雪踩在脚底下是酥松的。The snow was crisp underfoot.

那是一个天朗气清的秋天的黄昏。It was a crisp autumn evening.

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这点心松脆可口。The pastry is light and crisp.

嚼咬新鲜爽脆的胡萝卜。Chew on a crisp crunchy carrot.

今天的空气是凉爽且清爽的。The air is cool and crisp today.

这种梨又甜又脆。These pears are sweet and crisp.

它需要水分去保持新鲜和脆生。They need water to keep them crisp.

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这是一张挺新的100美元新钞票。This is a crisp new 100 dollar note.

她的声音干脆利落,具有权威性。Her voice was crisp and authoritative.

一个秋高气爽的日子我们去野餐了。We went for a picnic on a crisp fall day.

我们在一个秋高气爽的日子去远足了。We went for an outing on a crisp fall day.

烟肉煎得松脆,味不太咸。Pan-fried bacon is crisp and not too salty.

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今天的青菜可真脆嫩。Today's vegetables are very crisp and fresh.

不像这屋子里,外面的空气新鲜又清静。The air is crisp and clean, unlike this room.

严霜象盐一样复盖在草上。The crisp frost lay like salt upon the grass.