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他是一名赤脚医生。He is a barefoot doctor.

补鞋匠都没有鞋子穿。All cobblers go barefoot.

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参与者是赤脚的。The participants were barefoot.

抑或是赤脚在草地上漫步?Or walked barefoot in the grass?

你经常光脚走路吗?Do youusually walk around barefoot?

他经常在雪地里赤脚长跑。He also runs barefoot. In the snow.

孩子们在夏天打赤脚。The children go barefoot in summer.

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今天,我决定继续赤脚行走。Today I walked barefoot once again.

他们赤着脚在潮湿的硬梆梆的沙滩上走着。They walked barefoot on the damp hard sand.

事实上你甚至完全不需要赤脚跑步!Actually, you don’t have to be barefoot at all!

这一家便是那快乐的赤脚小孩的家。This family was that of the merry barefoot boy.

而光脚跑步者是前脚掌着地。Barefoot runners land on the balls of their feet.

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方便的时候光脚,让它晾干。Air your feet by going barefoot whenever convenient.

我爱那种光脚踩在积水中的乐趣。I love the fun of splashing barefoot in the puddles.

如果决定要赤脚走路,大家便一齐赤着脚走。If the decision has been to go barefoot, all go barefoot.

1985年以前的乡村医生系赤脚医生。Village doctors before 1985 referred to barefoot doctors.

看日出日落,在大自然里面做的每一件事都是在补充精力。Walk barefoot in the grass. Watch the sunrise and sunset.

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他曾每天赤脚走路到七公里远的学校去上学。He'd walked barefoot seven kilometres to school every day.

女孩步行到学校克鲁格斯多普,2010年3月10日赤脚。Girls walk to school barefoot in Krugersdorp, March 10, 2010.

一个小女孩光脚奔向一座红门的大宅。A little girl ran barefoot toward a big house with a red door.