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可怜这个世界吧,再不,贪夫。Pity the world, or else this glutton be.

他是一个对惩罚和辛苦无所畏惧的人。He is a glutton for punishment and hard work.

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暴食者可从吃中得到感官上的愉悦。A glutton derives sensual pleasures from eating.

他有时弄得饥肠辘辘且暴食如饕餮。Sometimes he gets hungry and eats like a glutton.

当他饿的时候,吃起东西来像个老饕。Sometimes he gets hungry and eats like a glutton.

一些时候幼宰饥饿的时候吃起来像一个暴食者。Sometimes the gets hungry and eats like a glutton.

一个贪吃嗜酒的人,税吏和罪人的朋友!A glutton and drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!

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孙悟空、猪八戒也往往分别因为一时贪嘴而引出祸端。Moreover, King Monkey and Pig always make trouble because of glutton.

特别是中国已开始使用自己的能源,并且尽最大的努力在降低能耗。In particular, China has gone from miser to glutton in its use of energy, and is now struggling to diet.

那是你本周第三次加班,而无额外报酬——你似乎是一个不怕吃苦头的人。That's the third time you've worked late this seek for no extra pay— you seem to be a glutton for punishment.

我们通常认为,暴食是身体吸取太多热量,简单来说,暴食的人吃东西吃得太多了。We typically think of gluttony as a matter of caloric intake. Simply put, a glutton is someone who eats too much.

中国的饕餮们享受面筋,同时我们却在“面筋自由”的社会里拒绝享用这种地上的快乐。The Chinese glutton themselves on gluten as we deny ourselves this simple earthly pleasure with our "Gluten Free" society.

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早上那个地方什么也没有,现在堆起了庞大的一堆麦秆,仿佛是那个嗡嗡叫的红色大肚汉从肚子里排出来的东西。And the immense stack of straw where in the morning there had been nothing, appeared as the faeces of the same buzzing red glutton.

人子来了,也吃也暍,人又说他是贪食好酒的人,是税吏和罪人的朋友。The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners."

人子来了,也吃,也喝,人又说他是贪食好酒的人,是税吏罪人的朋友。The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, `Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners."

我们就像是宴会上的贪吃鬼,嘴里塞满了东西,还往里塞,可惜已经没有空间了。We are like a glutton at a feast, with our mouths stuffed full, trying to squeeze something else into an already crammed mouth. There just isn’t room.

饕餮纹是存在于上古社会环境中的一种视觉符号,现代人对它产生了“狞厉”的视觉感受,这种视觉感受不能作为解释饕餮纹文化涵义的依据。Glutton motive is a symbol in ancient times, and modern people think it is ferocious, but the cultural meaning of glutton motive can not be explained under this visual feeling.

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首先,馋嘴的女生们要注意了,在这段时间内一定要严格的要求自己哦,要戒掉以前最喜欢的甜食、川辣子、碳水化合物等等。First, the glutton of the girls who pay attention to, and during this period must be strict requirements of its own Oh, to quit before the favorite sweets, Sichuan Spicy, carbohydrates and so on.