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为毕牧师身体的康复代祷。For healing of Rev. Beck.

不要使发动机转速太快。Don't rev up the engine too fast.

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在1866年会见了安妮牧师坦诚贝赞特。In 1866 Annie met the Rev. Frank Besant.

试一下来加速你的冬天快走吧。Try a few to rev up your winter walking.

启科技之门,安智能生活。Rev. Technology doors, Ann intelligent life.

一本用清教徒神学来看律法功用的好书。Why Read the Puritans Today?" by Rev. Don Kistler".

我看不久的将来,新的罗曼史会使你雀跃不已。I think a new romance will rev you up in the future.

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标准编码器分辨率为2048转速每行。The standard encoder resolution is 2048 lines per rev.

多谢黄志强牧师于今主日在本会证道。We thank Rev. Tim Wong's preaching at our church today.

艾默斯今天将参加艾尔•沙普敦牧师的广播节目。Imus will appear on Rev. Al Sharpton's radio show today.

——罗伯特.布罗克赫斯特牧师是司库。Rivers? -- the Rev. Robert Brocklehurst is the treasurer.

为马益安牧师祷告,前不久他发现淋巴癌,开始接受化療。Pray for Rev. Ian Ma who has cancer in his lymphatic system.

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那么感谢你,Rick,Roth祭司和Hazelrigg牧师。So I want to thank you, Rick, Rabbi Roth and Rev. Hazelrigg.

我甚至可以在来年的浪漫测试中提高自己的分值。I could even try to rev up the romance quotient for next year.

张荣胜牧师于04年2月就任堂主任。Rev. Stephen Cheung became our Senior Pastor in February, 2004.

游牧师与师母陈慈爱女士共有两位儿子以及四名孙儿。Rev. Yew and wife Maryann have two sons and four grandchildren.

伊恩·艾特曼牧师则布道说,温和,人性以及尊重。The Rev. Ian Alterman preached gentleness, humility and respect.

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雷夫.迪安.贝利在联合卫理公会教堂的后排座位上。Rev. Dean Bailey in the back pew of Alto United Methodist Church.

他们加大强度,并且这是一个很好的加快脂肪燃烧的办法。They add intensity and are a great way to rev up the fat burning.

那我就要你转起你那完美的意大利引擎来了。I need you to rev up that fine-tuned Italian engine of yours, then.