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还需要几分严峻的决心。Aan some grim determination.

改变需要决心。Change requires determination.

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那女孩子决心很大…That girl has great determination.

哇!我真佩服你的决心。Wow , I admire your determination.

我们的决心绝不能动摇。And our determination must not waver.

他是一个有很大决心的人。He is a man with great determination.

拥有足够的信心,使你不致丧志!Enough determination to keep you anew.

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在枪炮下跪饶的,是我的毅力。In the guns knees is my determination.

农作物名物词的确定及概貌。Determination and profile of crop nouns.

决心不在大庭广众下哭泣。The determination not to weep in public.

让我们来看看谁的毅志更坚定吧!Let us see whose determination is stronger!

成功与否就要看我们的决心如何了。The success will ride on our determination.

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酸度的酚酞法测定。Determination of acidity to phenolphthalein.

方法采用HPLC法测定红景天苷的含量。Method determination of salidroside by HPLC.

关键在于要有决心和信心。What counts is determination and confidence.

德尚呼唤勇气和坚定,拒绝心慈手软。He wanted grit, determination and unkindness.

持有决心,处理生活和难题。Approach life and problems with determination.

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计件工资标准的确定。Determination of the piece-rate wage standard.

测定血清S100蛋白浓度。Determination blood serum S100 protein density.

决心手拉手与顽固状态匹配。Determination went hand in hand with doggedness.