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你必须拥有“可接受的”信用度才可以向小型企业管理局贷款。You have to have "acceptable" credit to get an SBA loan.

校本评核会否增加教师的工作量?Will the workload of teachers be increased when implementing SBA?

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或许给小型企业管理局一些资金保证更多小型商业贷款?Perhaps give some money for the SBA to guarantee more small business loans?

强化成功的小企业管理局计划来帮助他们获得所需资金。Enhancing successful SBA programs that help them access the capital they need.

在小企业管理局的4000名工作人员中,没有人被裁员,6人被解雇,17人死亡。The SBA had no layoffs, six firings and 17 deaths in its 4,000-employee workforce.

收到SBA的认可之后,放贷机构就会关闭此放贷申请并支付贷款。Upon SBA approval, the lending institution closes the loan and disburses the funds.

在联邦应急管理署和小型企业管理局提供援助之前,总统会宣布这是否是一次主要灾害。The president has to declare a major disaster before FEMA and SBA can step in to help.

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校本评核和现时的高级程度生物科教师评审制无论在要求及灵活性上均有所不同。The SBA will be different from the current TAS in terms of the requirements and flexibility.

美中商会将与中央银行共同举办SBA贷款讲座。提供中饭给预先登记者。USCCC and United Central Bank co-host SBA loan seminar. Lunch will be provided to early registrations.

所以,在抵押贷款和小型企业管理局提供的贷款这两个中选择,你可以选择到比你的财产价值还高的贷款数额。So, between your mortgage and your SBA loan, you could end up owing a lot more on your property than it's worth.

除此之外,在进入交通流率与离开疏散率相等时动态同步绿灯带宽分配的指标表现最佳。In addition, the dynamic SBA has its best performance on PIs when the incoming flow rate is equal to the dispersing rate.

他从中小企业管理局诈骗了数百万美元,希望通过和斯塔尔合作得到减刑。He had swindled the SBA out of millions of dollars and was cooperating with Starr in hopes of getting a reduced prison sentence.

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IMF也通过该方法排除了通常在SBA协议下附带很多条款的必要。By this method, the IMF has also precluded the need for the type of onerous conditions which usually accompany loans under the SBA.

以阳离子交换树脂为催化剂的丁烯水合反应,是目前国内外生产仲丁醇最主要的方法。Preparation route of SBA with catalyst of cation exchange resins is the main method of producing sec-butyl alcohol both at home and abroad.

综合上述,外因导引或内因导引所引发的面为基注意力运作,在时程变化及其所涉及的促进或抑制机制并不相同。In conclusion, SBA can be triggered by either exogenous or endogenous orienting. But the time-course and mechanisms were different between them.

离退休管理人员服务组织或是小企业发展中心都会为您的商业计划提供帮助。They can assist you by critiquing your business plan and your business ideas. You can locate a center by selecting "Local Resources" under sba. gov as well.

SBA协议的另外一个使得其不那么适合处理暂时流动性危机的特点是资金是分阶段拨付的。The second feature of the SBA that makes it less well suited to dealing with temporary liquidity crises is that funding is usually released in phased tranches.

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在校本评核中加入非实验有关作业旨在扩阔评核的范围,以加强课程、教学及评核之间的整合。The inclusion of non-practical related tasks is to broaden the scope of assessment in the SBA and enhance the integration of the curriculum, teaching and assessment.

2006年,吉姆·舒尔茨,迈克尔·派克,和丹尼斯·彼尔德来到小型企业管理局提议用基金I购买小型企业管理局的有限合伙人权益,从此终止了在小型企业投资公司牌照下的经营。In 2006, Jim Schultz , Michael Peck, and Dennis Beard approached the SBA with a proposal to purchase the SBA limited partner interest in Fund I and cease operating under the SBIC license.