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我们不喜欢他刻毒的性情。We do not like his acrid temper.

我喜欢风格泼辣的文章。I like essays with an acrid flavour.

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掌管他们的是个刻毒的人。The master of them was an acrid man.

你说这些话的口气带有讥刺意味。There is an acrid tone to your remarks.

这是一种辛辣而带刺激性的物质。This is an acrid and pungent substance.

烟在嘴和鼻子里有辛辣刺激之感。Smoke feels acrid in your mouth and nose.

房间里弥漫着刺鼻的烟草味。The room filled with the acrid smell of tobacco.

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走进低矮房舍,天花板塌陷危及可见,这是一个充满霉味和回忆的房子。There's an acrid smell and the rooms are full of memories.

燃烧木材的辛辣味道使我想起了我的童年。The acrid smell of burning wood reminds me of my childhood.

不过他能够听到岩浆湖嘶嘶的冒气声,还能闻到它发出的刺鼻气味。But he could hear its hissing gases and smell its acrid fumes.

一股刺鼻的气味在空气中弥漫,夹杂着触摸得到的不安。An acrid sting lingered in the air, along with a palpable anxiety.

倾刻间,我的头发、胡子、脸还有肩膀都被刺鼻难闻的液体淋湿。My hair, beard, face and shoulders were drenched with foully acrid fluid.

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坐在瓦勒拉的厨房内,一边喝茶,一边吃着咸味儿的白奶酪片。We are sitting in Valera's kitchen, bubbler tea and bistro slices of acrid white cheese.

诚然,这部戏最精彩在于创作了两个棱角分明的人物,两个都有些辛辣尖锐。Certainly, it brings out the best in the two sharpest characters, both of them slightly acrid.

红红的鞭炮屑铺满了城市的街道,空气中弥漫着火药燃烧后的浮尘。City streets are blanketed in red wrappers, and the air is thick and acrid with dynamite dust.

很多精灵不喜欢黑火药的辛辣气味,不少矮人则承认自己厌恶大海。Many elves are disgusted by the acrid scent of gunpowder, and dwarves are said to dislike the sea.

烤羊肉串的辛香和蜜制蛋糕的甜香扑面而来。The acrid smell of lamb kebabs and the sweet smell of cakes soaked in honey reign over everything else.

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我今天尝了桲,酸得像柠檬,硬得像木头,干涩得像椰子皮。I ate quince today, which acrid like the lemon, hard like the wood, puckery and like the peel of coconut.

烤羊肉串的辛香和蜜制蛋糕的甜香扑面而来。The acrid smell of lamb kebabs and the sweet smell of cakes soggy in honey predominate over everything else.

当我穿过他的办公室到达走廊时,我闻到了石花菜的酸味。As I passed from his office into the corridor, I detected the acrid smell of agar, which is used to grow bacteria.