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壮观的日出让我们惊叹不已。The spectacular sunrise made us exclaim in surprise.

孟家的女孩子都跑过来为她的衣服喝彩。The Munroe girls rushed up to exclaim over her dress.

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在另一次谈话中,他偶然想起,大声说道In the middle of another conversation, he chanced to exclaim

“哎呀!我可不能做这件事!”有一天他听到泰伊大声喊道。"Why, man alive, I can't do it! " he heard Tighe exclaim one day.

“哎呀!我可不能做这件事!”有一天他听到泰伊大声喊道。Why, man alive, I cannot do it! " he heard Tighe exclaim one day."

我一呼求应受颂扬的上主,我便会从仇敌的手中得救。Praised be the LORD, I exclaim ! I have been delivered frommyenemies.

“护回女将军!妈呀!”有人吓得惊叫起来。"Protect to return to female general! Mama! "Someone frightens exclaim.

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还是让我们感叹商业的魔力吧,走光的小屁屁那也是广告。Let's exclaim on the magic of the commercial, while pictures of butts can also be advertisement.

薛涛诗具有独特的艺术魅力,所展现的心灵世界令人惊叹。Xue Tao's poems have the unique artistic charm, unfold the mind world makes one exclaim in surprise.

基于这样一个哲学信仰,我断定互联网进化客观规律一定是实际存在的。On the basis of this philosophical belief, I exclaim the existence of objective laws of Web evolution.

人们可以变得十分戏剧化,像是早晨用脚趾头踢开门出去,然后大喊“生活真该死”。People can be very dramatic. We’ll stub our toe on the way out the door in the morning, and exclaim “Life sucks!”

令某些网友惊呼“很雷”的,是册子中芳姐以直白的语言传授了说服“客人”使用安全套的“招数”。Some friends exclaim "Ray", the booklet is in direct Fangjie to teach the language persuasion "guests" of condom use "tricks.

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中国人真的是很有创造力,可以把数字如此“吉祥地”串起来,许多外国游客不由得惊叹。Many foreign visitors can't help but exclaim that the Chinese are really creative and can line numbers up so " auspiciously ."

许多外国游客赞叹不已,说中国人真有创造性,竟能够把数字排列得如此“吉祥”。Many foreign visitors can't help but exclaim that the Chinese are really creative and can line numbers up so "auspiciously. ""

我要去赛特!——多少女孩子把去赛特购物当成一个不大不小的理想,这其中必有奥秘。"I want to go to Scitech. " Exclaim many girls who share this dream to go shopping at Scitech. And they have every reason to think so.

我放声歌唱我忘情舞蹈我大声呼唤我跪地守候,只有你我美丽的女主人点头开心了就是我最大的欣慰,为此将竭尽所能只为博你嫣然一笑。I would like to sing, dance, exclaim and wait for you! Your happiness is my biggest comfort, and I will move mountain and earth to win your smile!

当我了解到作者才35岁,还不足我年龄一半的时候,更惊羡他青年有为,后生可畏,和他艺术生命的强劲。At 35 years old, not half of my life, he has achieved such accomplishments and enjoyed a strong life tension of art, which I exclaim in great surprise.

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那么,当人们希望感叹某事而又不能使用这些话语时又该如何表达呢?有一些委婉的说法可以表达上述意思。So what do people do when they want to exclaim something, but couldn't use these phrases? There are some euphemisms for the above-mentioned exclamations.

孩子们兴奋好奇的打量脚下的钢板,在桥上奔跑踩出响声,年轻的情侣倚着栏杆互诉衷肠,古稀老人也在蹒跚经过时感叹一番如今的便捷安稳。The children run on the bridge with excited curious, young couple relate to each other leaning on the railing and even the old exclaim the convenience and safety when they go by.

在板栗之乡唐山市的遵化和迁安一带还能吃到其他做法的京东板栗,味道同样让人叫绝。Can also eat other procedures township of Tangshan's in area the Chinese chestnut Tsunhwa and Qian The Jingdong Chinese chestnut, the flavor lets the human exclaim over similarly.