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别孩子气般地捣乱。Stop childishly messing around.

在你这个年龄做事不应该孩子气。You should not behave childishly at your age.

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松开你的手,要极其天真地步入生命。Loosen your hands, step into life very childishly.

我实在是太幼稚了!我为自己那时的想法感到内疚。How childishly I was! I am very sorry for my early thought.

看到它们,女主人不自觉地孩子气地笑了。See them, goodwife laughed childishly not self-consciously.

总是天真的以为中国就是世界上最强大的国家!I childishly thought China is most powerful country in the world!

他们被期望会更理解父母,行为举止不再那么幼稚。They are expected to be more understanding and not to behave childishly.

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莫非我们还没断奶,只知吮吸田园之乐像孩子一般?Were we not weaned till then, But sucked on country pleasures, childishly ?

当然有的大人面对挑战依然很幼稚。There are a lot of adults who still react childishly to challenges, of course.

世俗中的特殊关系常是自私、幼稚、自我中心,而且颇具破坏性的。The special relationships of the world are destructive, selfish and childishly egocentric.

但是当老师看到杰克交来的画时,却吃了一惊,他画的是一只手,一只简单的,出自孩子之手的手。The teacher was surprised and puzzled by the picture that Jack handed in- a hand, a simple childishly drawn hand!

岁的李存信却和美国姑娘伊丽莎白坠入了爱河,并天真地要带她回中国。He fell in love with the Elizabeth from US when he was 20 years old, he was childishly eager to take her to China.

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所以一些人在漂亮的婚纱上面化了僵尸装,一些人富有童趣地打扮成了超级英雄的样子,还有一些人给他们的挚爱献上了一个惊险的婚礼之旅。Some childishly dress up like superheroes. And some give their beloved a heart attack with a breathtaking ceremony.

我曾经天真的认为,现在的社会已经是每个人都可以做自己想做的事情了,没想到大家到处奔波为的还是一块面包。I have thought childishly that every in the society can do what the want to do, but the actual is we are laborious for breads.

可是马大采取当时应有的办法,当即孩子气地嚷了出来,“先生,您肯替我们扔一点煤下来吗?”Martha, however, took the situation as it needed to be taken, and piped out childishly , "Mister, won't you please throw us down some coal?"

这不仅带有欺侮性,而且幼稚、简单化。老板要把这一派胡言奉为灵感,雇员可能会笑掉大牙。It is not just insulting, it's also childishly simplistic. Employees are likely to laugh their tails off at any boss who cites this drivel as inspiration.

就这样走过了三年的初中生活,就这样走过了初一的童稚、初二的懵懂、初三的成熟。Like this has passed through three year junior middle school life, like this has passed through the first day childishly , the second day ignorant, the third day maturity.

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在这种时候,本能的反应是像小孩子一样找一个人来出气,但是事实不争自明,不可否认。At times like that the instinctive reaction is to childishly and peevishly cast around in search of somebody else to blame, but the real truth is self-evident and undeniable.

我不禁略带孩子气地想问,为什么她变成了一个如此凶残的庞然大物,吞噬了我的哥哥Prasanna,他是他这一代人中唯一的一个出生在祖屋里的人。Childishly I wanted to ask why it had turned into a monster which devoured my brother, Prasanna. He was the only one in this generation to have been born in the house itself.

因此,我们必须体会到,尽管目前意识的理性态度有其不可否认的成功,在许多人性层面,它适应得颇为幼稚,而且跟生命力抵触。We must therefore realize that despite its undeniable successes the rational attitude of present-day consciousness is, in many human respects, childishly un-adapted and hostile to life.