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只有一个荧幕,多半是用白布做的。It is only a screen, often made from calico.

当我数着被子上17朵手绣的印花布心形图案时,我笑了。I smile as I count seventeen hand-sewn calico hearts.

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这些移民用花布换取印第安人的毛皮。The colonists bartered calico with the Indians for furs.

他一边说着一边撤下了那块盖在尸体上的白布。Saying so, he unveils the sheet of calico from the corpse.

这是说,当时携带卡利科杰克拉克姆的孩子。It is said that both were carrying Calico Jack Rackham's child.

我上星期买的新花布都在那儿,动也没动。There is all the new calico there that was bought last week, not touched yet.

浅良一边说着,一边伸手指向出租屋内的一具蒙着白布的尸体。Saying so, Qianliang points to the calico covered corpse inside the rented house.

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杂志的印花布枪可以存储在相对紧凑的封装50或100发子弹。Magazines for Calico guns can store 50 or 100 rounds in relatively compact packages.

你喜欢白色胜利,它可能是这人情势的白棉布固体。You like calico solid which of the white victory, it probably is this human circumstance.

杂志的圆柱型的设计是基于美国的松散印花布设计。Design of those cylindrically shaped magazines is loosely based on American Calico designs.

1672年查尔斯·贝尔努安在雷根斯堡把火箭炮和布质的翅膀绑在自己身尝试飞行。Charles Bernouin in 1672 in Regensburg strapped a rocket to himself as well as calico wings.

Calico太阳能项目从项目一开始到现在,已经遇到很多法律上和商务上的障碍。The Calico Solar project has faced numerous legal and financial hurdles since its inception.

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每个人都戴上一个粗糙的草帽,帽子上拴着用染色白布做成的带子,同时还披上了黑粗绒料子的斗篷。Each put on a coarse straw bonnet with strings of coloured calico and a cloak of grey frieze.

舱中有个小小床铺,床上有锦绸同红色印花洋布铺盖,折叠得整整齐齐。There was a small bed in there. On it were neatly folded quilts of silk and red printed calico.

“她和玛丽据称时发现卡利科杰克走在他们两个,”该法案。She and Mary were allegedly discovered when Calico Jack walked in on the two of them, in the act.

他的绰号叫“印花棉布杰克”,因为他总是穿着一套用花哨的印花棉布做成的衬衫和裤子Nicknamed Calico Jack because he always wore a shirt and pants made out of colorful calico material.

我们就动手把一件印花布衫子剪短,我把我的裤腿卷到膝盖上,穿上了衫子。So we shortened up one of the calico gowns, and I turned up my trouser -legs to my knees and got into it.

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太阳能公司官网报道,一期的Calico太阳能项目计划在2014年完工。Phase 1 of the Calico Solar project is scheduled to be completed in 2014, according to the company website.

穿着和其他玩具一样的薄纱,耀眼的服装,不要是棉布做的外套,帽子或是裙子。Wearing gauzy, sparkly fairy outfits like the others, and not overalls or bonnets or dresses made of calico.

可见,蓝印花布的平民化特质是其生存和发展的灵魂。It can be seen that the characteristics' civilians of the blue calico is subsisted and developed with its soul.