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下一步就是对信息进行解码。The next step is to decode the message.

解码板支持RS232通讯。The decode board supports RS232 communication.

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DeCODE根据新数据对其算法作了重新计算。DeCODE had recalculated its algorithm, based on new data.

escape和unescape方法能够帮助你编码和解码字符串。The escape and unescape functions let you encode and decode strings.

该维特比译码器具有通用性和高速性,它支持可变码率、可变帧长的译码。This decoder can decode data with varible code rate and frame length.

数位化时码讯号则以自行撰写的解码程式予以解码。A locally developed program was used to decode the digitized time code.

它同样可以帮助你在重读程序的时候方便解码。It can even go so far as to help you decode it when revisiting a program.

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对MPEG-2标准在DVD应用中的具体解码软件实现进行了设计。The design of the decode software of the DVD player with MPEG-2 is given.

托尼在杰米的电脑上找到了一封加密的电邮,他叫麦洛对其解密。Tony finds an encrypted email on Jamey’s computer and has Milo decode it.

您甚至无需了解尝试解码的媒体类型。You don't even need to know what type of media you're attempting to decode.

维特比译码算法是卷积编码的最大似然译码算法。Viterbi algorithm is the most likelihood decode algorithm of convolution code.

本文讨论了数字式PAL解码器中一行延迟线的群延迟时间的误差。This paper discusses the error of the group delay time in a digital PAL decode.

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必须要有硬件加速,因为其解码太耗处理器Hardware acceleration is necessary because it is so processor-intensive to decode

我发现两种运用格板和表格将明文编码与解码的方法。I found two ways to employ the grilles and tables to encode and decode plaintext.

调查研究人员通过从基因数据分析发现。The researchers used data from the Rejkjavik-based genomics company deCODE Genetics.

随着科学家解码的基因组越来越多,生命之树就变得相当复杂。As scientists decode more and more genomes, the tree of life gets pretty complicated.

福琛之前的植物学家对于茶叶追根溯源的尝试全都失败了。Before Fortune, botanists had failed in their attempts to decode the formula for tea.

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让我们编写一些程序以使用基本频率分析将编码信息解码。Let's write something that uses basic frequency analysis to decode an encoded message.

插入HDDVD尝试播放在1080,将无法播放,因为它不能解码速度不够快。Insert HDDVD attempts to play at 1080p, will not play as it can not decode fast enough.

解码板是实用工具,易于配置的基于PC的软件兼容。The decode board is compatible with Utility, a PC-based software for easy Configuration.