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齿轮就是松不开来。The gear just would not come unstuck.

他尝试了每件事物他可以接合部份松懈。He tried everything he could to be unstuck.

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我没有拆你的信,信封本来就没粘牢。I didn't open your letter, the envelope came unstuck.

带5分钟时间制,铸铝不贴锅面层。Five minute setting, all cast-aluminum unstuck surface.

然而,这来未粘住的以机械的地面区划看来。However, this came unstuck considering the mechanical layout.

阿诺德培育肉毛兔的计划失败了。Arnold's scheme to breed rabbits for both fur and meat has come unstuck.

马尔库塞发现,在这一过程中性和激进的政治已不再有任何的联系。In the process, as Marcuse detected, sex and radical politics became unstuck.

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总会有黑暗的深渊,梦境般的无数次呈现,让我深陷其中。Always have dark abyss, dream-world countless times appear, let me coming unstuck.

用拟人化来说,沥青代表「不甘受困」的意志。Characterized anthropomorphically, pitch represents the will to " become unstuck."

另外,世贸组织至关重要的贸易纠纷处理程序很有容易产生紊乱。What’s more, the WTO’s crucial trade-disputes procedure could easily come unstuck.

当超效强力胶粘到你皮肤上是该怎么办?别担心,以下方法让你及时赶走困惑。What happens when the toughest super glue gets on your skin? These tips will get you unstuck in no time.

如果团队具备解决问题的足够能力,那就给他们空间让他们发挥,否则就要提出问题,帮助他们摆脱困境。If the team has sufficient skills to solve the problem then give them space else ask questions to help them get unstuck.

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该两口井采用震击器震击解卡工艺和倒扣解卡工艺处理卡钻事故,获得成功,对水平井井下作业和水平井修井具有一定指导意义。Unstuck tech by Jar and back-off are utilized in two wells and succeed which has a guiding sense to operation and work-o.

另外,我也推荐高逼抢来不时对付一些高素质的对手打攻势足球。It must also be remembered that high closing down is likely to come unstuck against quality sides playing attacking football.

通过中场的站位,这成了一种典型的边路突破反击的足球。By packing the midfield, a technically strong passing side will come unstuck and provide opportunities for counter-attacking football.

杠杆收购在最近已经不再时兴了,近几年很多过分昂贵的交易都在衰退期中流产了。Leveraged buy-outs have fallen out of fashion of late, as many of the most extravagant deals of recent years came unstuck during the recession.

可以简单地归咎于掠夺成性的银行家,他们诱骗贪婪、狡猾的人们,使他们荒唐地承担了无法偿还的贷款,造成灾难性恶果。It would be easy simply to blame predatory bankers who got greedy, conning people into absurdly unaffordable loans that came disastrously unstuck.

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我不敢相信地看过许多刚刚摆脱困境的顾客又从完全曾让他们受困的人们那里获得支持。I've watched incredulously as dozens of clients who are just getting unstuck seek support from the very people who got them stuck in the first place.

今天我们在校车上做逃生训练,我从窗户里爬出来的时候卡住了,脱掉裤子才挣了出来。Today, we had an evacuation drill on my school bus. I got stuck in the window I was climbing out of. I had to remove my pants in order to get unstuck.

另外,虽然许多外国企业继续在中国兴旺发展,但是经济自由化是单行道这一假定正在快速崩溃。And while many foreign businesses continue to thrive in China, the presumption that economic liberalization is a one-way street is fast coming unstuck.