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什么是槟榔?What are betel nuts?

处方里写上了蒌叶这味药。The doctor wrote betel in his prescription.

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为了赚钱,她摆起路边摊卖衣服,也卖过槟榔。To earn money, she sold clothes and betel nut1 on the sidewalk.

我不知道那个荖藤和槟榔的意义是什麽?I don't know what the meaning of the betel leaf and betel nut are.

什么让你决定去拍槟榔西施的?And what made you decide to start taking pictures of betel nut girls?

蒌籐种植田一英亩可以帮农人带来四十万卢比的收入。The betel farms bring the farmers an earning of rupees 4 lacs an acre.

对“蒟酱”的记载见于多种古代典籍。There were a lot of betel pepper juice accounts in the ancient culture.

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这间包厢的最低消费是XX,包含酒水在内,除香烟、槟榔外。XX is the bottom lost of this box, include wine , no cigarette, betel nut.

他将它举在满是麻子的面前,吸入里面芳香的槟榔膏。Holding it to his pockmarked face he inhales the aromatic betel nut paste inside.

采用加热回流提取法从槟榔中提取槟榔碱。The extraction of arecoline from betel nut husk was performed using ethanol refluxing.

一般槟榔从中间切开,撒上酸橙和胡椒,在用槟榔叶裹上。The seeds are split in half, spread with lime and pepper, and wrapped in betel leaves.

另外笔者发现槟榔零售摊贩的经营模式也受到产业群聚的影响。And also found that manage mode of Betel nut vendors has effected by industrial cluster.

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最后,第四章以湘潭槟榔企业集群发展战略为案例,总括全篇。Then, finally, it is summed up by analyzing strategies on Xiangtan betel cluster development.

酒为傣族人民所嗜爱,嚼槟榔的习惯也很普遍。Dai wine for the people of the Anopheles love, the habit of chewing betel nut are also common.

当然,槟榔西施只回说台语,所以我找了翻译。Of course, the betel nut girls can only speak Taiwanese, so I found someone to translate for me.

有吃槟榔的种子,它含有生物碱有刺激作用的整个身体。Betel seeds are eaten, which contain alkaloids that have a stimulating effect on the entire body.

政府已经设定了一天摧毁四十个蒌籐种植田的速度来加速土地掠夺。The government has set the target of destroying 40 betel farms a day to facilitate the land grab.

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至于槟榔在幽门曲状杆菌之传播所占的角色则有待进一步研究澄清。The role of betel nut chewing in the transmission of H. pylori infection remains to be clarified.

在以往的文献中,槟榔产业通常被视为一种台湾传统产业。In former literatures, the betel nut industry is usually regarded as Taiwan's traditional industry.

未来流通群将设专人针对槟榔摊或中盘以及业务用的市场进行开拓。Group will assign individuals to explore the betel NUT or medium wholesalers and service businesses.