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这是肯定结果的谬论。This is the fallacy of affirming the consequent.

因此价值观是分开使用的符号。Consequent values are separated using ampersands.

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系统网络中含14个待定的前件和后件参数。There are 14 undetermined parameters named predictor and consequent.

喝可乐是美妙的,尽管undesirble随之打嗝。Drinkin coke is wonderful, despite the undesirble consequent hiccups.

结果往往是大批人面临失业,却又得不到社会安全网的保护。Consequent unemployment too often comes with no protective safety net.

文中主要讨论了如何为代理键生成惟一的序列值。It focused on how to generate unique consequent values for the surrogate key.

在汽车轮毂行业,铝合金轮毂取代钢制轮毂已成为行业发展不可逆转的潮流。It is consequent that aluminum will substitute for ferrum in auto-hub industry.

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无论原因是如何,我继续与世隔绝,与注定的独身生活相随。Whatever the cause, my isolation continues, along with the consequent celibacy.

这正是逻辑谬论“肯定后件”的典型例子。This is a clear example of the logical fallacy called " affirming the consequent".

我们想知道您如何看待“女性身体写作”及其带来的问题?We are wondering how you perceive "ecriture feminine" and the consequent problems?

对此的误读以及由此造成的影响,亟待辨正。The consequent misinterpretation as well as the negative impact should be addressed.

最初的两波浪潮为金融危机和随之发生的全球经济危机。The first two waves were the financial crisis and the consequent global economic crisis.

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你们做的是,在结论中加上了谬误,很常见的谬误。What you we're doing there is committing the fallacy of a consequent. Very common fallacy.

因此给质权人或者第三人造成损失的,由出质人承担民事责任。The pledgor shall bear civil liability for the consequent loss of pledgee or the third party.

这对所有人来说都是一个好消息,但对于信心业已崩溃的银行业来说并非如此。This would be good news all round were it not for the consequent crash in banking confidence.

想像竞合犯不同于规范竞合与结果加重犯。Imaginative joinder of offenses is different from normative joinder and aggregated consequent.

喝酒会减少唾液从而引起口干和口臭。Alcoholic drinks decrease saliva production resulting in a dry mouth and consequent bad breath.

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日内以跟进美棉日内波动而进行顺向交易。Fluctuation of cotton days and days to follow up the United States for consequent transactions.

文西地垒带油气富集程度高而文西顺向屋脊带油气富集程度低。Oil and gas enrichment de- gree is high in Wenxi horst and low in Wenxi consequent roofing area.

将残留的送料带重新连接使用,实现资源的有效节约!Less waste of carrier tape remainders and consequent effect for more economical use of resources!