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它是软骨组织包裹喉形成。It is composed of cartilage which surrounds the larynx.

主要评价指标是3年保喉率。The primary endpoint was 3-year larynx preservation rate.

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喉声带下方可见大溃疡。Below the vocal cords in this larynx are large ulcerations.

残喉创面修复用双蒂肌软骨膜瓣重建喉功能。Bi-pedicle muscular flap were used to reconstruct the larynx.

感冒了,紧接是喉咙和气管的疼痛。After taking a cold rawness of the larynx and trachea come on.

喉上神经外侧支支配什么肌肉?The recurrent laryngeal nerve innervates what muscles of the larynx?

倘若人类的喉部不行使任何功能,它便不会进化。The larynx of a human being did not evolve without having some function.

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我怎么能够说完一个词,这时已经有另一个词涌到我的喉咙里了?How could I finish a word when another one was already barreling through my larynx?

初步说明FHIT基因可能是一种有潜势的抑癌基因。FHIT gene may be a hopful tumor suppressor gene in human squamous carcinoma of larynx.

结果贯声门癌有别于声门上、声门型喉癌T2、T3期。Results The TGC was different from T2? T3 supraglottic or glottic carcinoma of larynx.

结果CTVE能清楚显示正常喉及下咽部的腔内结构。Results CTVE could clearly display the mucosal structure of the larynx and hypopharynx.

这匹猎马患由喉咙功能失调引起的慢性咳嗽。The hunting horse was suffering from a chronic cough caused by a dysfunction of the larynx.

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犊白喉,以喉粘膜的两侧性坏死为特征。Calf diphtheria, is characterized by bilateral necrosis of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

熟练掌握多种修复方法,择优采用,可提高喉功能的保留率。To improve the rate of larynx preservation, one should follow the surgical methods suggested.

在青春期,随着喉的发育,软骨组织也相应增大,形成了一个肿块。As the larynx grows during puberty, the cartilage enlarges to accommodate it, creating a bump.

目的探讨进一步提高闭合性喉气管损伤诊断与治疗水平的措施。OBJECTIVE To promote the diagnosis and treatment level of closed injury of larynx and trachea.

研究者分析可能是荷尔蒙分泌的变化对喉头产生了影响,从而有此变化。The authors speculate that hormones affecting the larynx could be the source of these changes.

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结果本组仅3例出现了喉上神经损伤,绝大多数病例均获得了良好的手术效果。Results Among these 310 patients, there are only 3 patients whose larynx nerves have been injured.

一系列的检测证实此新生组织属恶性,最终作了全喉切除术。A series of detect confirm this cambium is belonged to malign, made complete larynx resection finally.

目的探讨颈阔肌肌筋膜瓣在喉重建术中的临床应用价值。Obiective To explore the clinical value of the platysma myofascial flap in the reconstruction of larynx.