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我迷死李小龙了。I am crazy about Bruce Li.

你是第17代罗伯特布鲁斯伯爵。You're the 17th Roben't Bruce.

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杰克打高尔夫球打得比布鲁斯差。Jack plays golf worse than Bruce.

阿斯特日达老板布鲁斯哈特勒本说。A Strida owner, Bruce Hartleben says.

罗莎·莫里森,你来同布鲁斯·里德认识一下好吗?。Rosa Morison, do you know Bruce Read?

罗莎?莫�森,你见过布鲁斯?�德吗?。Rosa Morison, have you met Bruce Read?

罗莎·莫里森,你见过布鲁斯·里德吗?。Rosa Morison, have you met Bruce Read?

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假设我父母姓布鲁斯Suppose my parents had named me Bruce.

我从布鲁斯那儿偷来的,你不来一根吗?Nicked 'em from Bruce. Do you want one?

叶问的弟子之一就是年轻时代的李小龙。His students included a young Bruce Lee.

我觉得自己能成为李小龙二。I thought I could be the next Bruce Lee.

泰德和布鲁斯又在邦迪海滩见面了。Ted and Bruce meet again on Bondi Beach.

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有亚当、布鲁斯、安迪、朱利娅、凯等。Adam, Bruce , Andy, Julia, Kay and so on.

想在布鲁斯·威利斯的床上小睡一会吗?Want to take a nap in Bruce Willis's bed?

李小龙在他的电影里真的很棒。Bruce Lee really kicks-butt in his movies.

布鲁斯和帕米拉是我的父母。Bruce is my father and Pamela is my mother.

Bruce患了一种名为骨肉瘤的骨癌。Bruce was had bone cancer called osteosarcoma.

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罗莎-莫里森,我想请你见见布鲁期-里德。Rosa Morison, I'd like you to meet Bruce Read.

罗莎·莫里森,我想请你见见布鲁期·里德。Rosa Morison, I'd love you to meet Bruce Read.

我看,你是史密斯代理行的布鲁斯先生吧?You are Mr. Bruce from Smith Agency, I su ose.