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糊涂蛋有大大的耳朵。Dopey has big ears.

糊涂蛋每天挖掘钻石。Dopey digs for diamonds every day.

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今天上午我一直昏昏沉沉的。I'm feeling really dopey this morning.

糊涂虫长着大耳朵,爱生气有一张愤怒的脸。Dopey has big ears and Grumpy has a grumpy face.

用小叮当的小玩意拯救大家吗?Tinker Bell's going to save us with her dopey little doohickeys.

“我也爱你,”我说。我感动得痴痴地笑着。"I love you too, " I said, with a dopey grin plastered on my face.

孩子看上去有点迷迷糊糊的。“她闹了一天,”他母亲抱怨说The baby looked dopey. “ She fussed all day , “ his mother complained.

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看来明智的话还是继续保持这种迟钝的状态比较好。So play it cool and stay dopey , said a voice which was my worst, if wiser, self.

是那忧郁的眼神,还是看似空洞的灵魂,尼古拉斯都是如此充满魅力。Whether it's the dopey eyes or the seemingly empty soul, Nicolas Cage draws women in.

虽然我不觉得心理有什麽不清明或浑噩处,但这平安确实让我觉得自己变钝了。Although I do not feel mentally unclear or cloudy or vague , this peace does feel dopey.

在葡萄牙语中邓加是“Dopey”的意思,如果足球玩不转了,他可以到迪斯尼世界混个临时演员当当。Dunga means "Dopey" in Portuguese and work as an extra at Disney World is a possibility should the football not work out.

首先,白雪公主帮助糊涂蛋照顾毛毛虫,并且教小矮人毛毛虫如何变成蝴蝶。First, Snow White helps Dopey take care of a caterpillar—and teaches her Dwarf friend how the caterpillar changes into a butterfly.

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因此,去听信小我「你变钝了、没有生气、缺乏能量」的那套说辞简直荒谬至极。And so it is ridiculous to believe the ego's representation that you are dopey and inactive and absent of energy. Energy is all there is.

这只狗的注意力锁定到了一只猫身上,这只猫长着伊拉克领导人萨达姆的头。The hound's attention is fixed on a cat with the head of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Demon cat and dopey dog are dashingsintosthe roadway.

化疗脑是因乳腺癌接受辅助化疗的女性普遍主诉的一个症状。她们发现很难进行认知活动,并感觉模糊或反应迟钝。Chemobrain is a common complaint among women undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. They find it difficult to perform cognitive tasks and say they feel foggy or dopey.