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堕胎从道德上讲合乎情理吗?Is abortion morally defensible?

既然如此,那是什么让我们相信互联网更能站得住脚?So what makes us think that the Internet is more defensible?

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新兴经济体的发展让如此做法更加说不通。And the growth of emerging economies makes it even less defensible.

我们必须有明确的、有理的和合法的标准处理这类人员。We must have clear, defensible and lawful standards for those who fall in this category.

中国的持续的决心保证“元”具有最低的抵御性和最不切实际。China’s ongoing determination to fix the yuan is the least defensible and most distortive.

也许大切诺基要花更多钱,但它更具防御性,只要你略过天窗不计。The Grand Cherokee may cost more, but it’s more defensible – so long as you skip the sunroof.

但是,道德准则和指南能够有助于找到慎重和有理的解决办法。But ethical standards and guidelines can offer guidance toward thoughtful and defensible solutions.

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如果他的观点是错的,那么洛克的辩护,只是看似合理,但在道义上站不住脚。If it's a bad argument, then Locke's given us a mere rationalization that isn't morally defensible.

城寨是简易前沿防御基地,略强于哨塔和栅栏。Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence.

这种做法的可取之处显而易见,也有一定道理,因为佛罗里达州在选举中举足轻重。It was a defensible position on the merits, and understandable, given the importance of Florida in the election.

视觉设计师需要较早地介于研究过程,以便于确定一个可靠的、有效的视觉策略。Visual designers need to be involved early in the research process in order to define a sound, defensible visual strategy.

那么笛卡尔论据的最后阶段是怎么样的呢,虽然要直面这个问题,但那似乎仍然很慎密,仍然值得怀疑。What about the final move of Descartes argument this seems rather more defensible though on the face of it, it might seem dubious.

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我们相信众多杰出的新兴互联网公司正在建立起真实,高增长,高盈利,强抗风险能力的业务。We believe that many of the prominent new Internet companies are building real, high-growth, high-margin, highly defensible businesses.

公示的效力采用折衷主义,即以成立要件主义为原则,对抗要件主义为例外。As to effectiveness of publication, the principle is the creation mode of publication while the exceptional is defensible mode of publication.

数据的价值高低与量的大小没有关系,当然量这个因素在生成可靠的数据使用门槛时还是能起到一定的作用。And the data doesn't need to be "big" to be valuable, though scale is certainly a helpful dimension when working to create defensible data barriers.

Joyus是一家缺乏防御性技术、以个人消费者为主导的技术公司,而在风险投资的带动下,每个月都会出现几十家这样的公司。Joyus is a consumer-facing tech company without any defensible technology – just like dozens of other startups that raise venture capital each month.

林清德走遍黄河南北,最后选中了僻静优美、易守难攻的天桂山,遂以巨资建造行宫。De Lin traveled north-south of the Yellow River and finally select a quiet beautiful, easily defensible days of the Shan, Suiyi money to build palaces.

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联合国首席武器核查官布利克斯表示,关于伊拉克冲突,英国已经在这场不合法的战争中放慢脚步。The United Nations chief weapons inspector just before the Iraq conflict, Hans Blix, has said Britain was dragged along in a war that was not legally defensible.

这几片平坦的沿海土地在地形上可防御北极寒风的袭击,而且在北极短暂的夏季还长满青嫩的植被。These flat piece of land in the coastal terrain of the Arctic cold wind defensible attacks, but also in the short Arctic summer, also covered with tender green vegetation.

行政登记在私法上一般只有证明效力和对抗效力,只有基于特殊的事由,才具有创设效力。The author claims that administrative registration generally only has the proving and defensible validity in private law, and has creating validity when special reasons appear.