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同时更多的坏消息近在眉睫。And there is more bad news in the offing.

裁减人员的条件和程序。Conditions and procedures for lay offing employees.

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梦见茉莉花意着一段罗曼史将至。To dream of jasmine means a romance is in the offing.

一开始,他就对自己的敌人没有一丝怜悯。He showed no compunction about offing his enemies from the outset.

因为这场大规模的旅行活动即将开始,此刻一切都很杂乱。Everything's topsy—turvy at the moment with this big trip in the offing.

本文提出的计算方法适用于入海口处的浅海长波的分析计算。This calculation can be suitable for Shallow-Water Wave of river offing.

中东地区的停火协议在为期一周的高层外交斡旋中可能即将产生。A Middle East ceasefire could be in the offing during a week of high diplomacy.

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印度半岛和周边地区看不到喘息机会。However, no such respite is in the offing for peninsular India and surrounding regions.

继油价和粮食价格上涨之后,接着就是工业品价格的上涨。Aside from the rise in oil and foodstuffs, higher prices of manufactured goods are in the offing.

他考虑过自杀,近乎精神失常,甚至想过用猎枪杀了他最好的朋友。He also contemplates suicide, goes mostly insane and contemplates offing his best friend with a shotgun.

首所学校的选址已定在北京,上海、秦皇岛、广州等城市也都在计划之内。The first academy is set to be built in Beijing, with Shanghai, Qinhuangdao and Guangzhou in the offing.

随着时代的发展,近海渔业安全救助网功能也急需升级。The functions of offing fishery security and salvation network need to upgrade too with the development.

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死掉的蚊子不会传播疾病,而且一些新的高科技灭蚊方法也即将诞生。Dead mosquitoes don't carry diseases, and several high-tech new ways of zapping mozzies are in the offing.

油价突然之间已经破位上行,三位数水平似乎再度触手可及。The price of oil has suddenly broken higher – to the point where triple-digit crude is once again in the offing.

钢质、单甲板、单底、单体、单机、单桨、单舵、中机型拖轮,近海船舶拖带。Steel tugboat, single deck, single bottom, single hull, single engine, single oar and rudder, mid-engine, towed by offing ship.

尽管这种爱情疫苗没有在杨博士的论文中提出,但是当我提出提出这个设想的时候,他同意说这也是可能的。Although this love vaccine isn’t mentioned in Dr. Young’s essay, when I raised the prospect he agreed it could also be in the offing.

此外,他说网民们都已经正确地假设出这表明一篇描述艾未未的文章很快就要发表了。Moreover, he said, people online were already hypothesizing correctly that it must mean that a profile of Ai Weiwei was in the offing.

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重金属、人工合成的难降解的有机物等有害有毒的污染物沉积近岸海底,对近海水质安全形成威胁。Sediments of heavy metal, hardly-decomposed artificial organic compound and other deleterious substance will threaten the quality of offing seawater.

因此,研究循环孔隙水压力作用下砂床土体的力学行为对海岸和近海工程有重要意义。Therefore, it's very important to study the mechanical behavior of sand soils under the action of cycle pore water pressure for coast and offing engineering.

通信基站是近海渔业安全救助网的重要部分,也是控制中心与渔船电台进行通信的桥梁。The communication base station is a important part of offing fishery security and salvation network, and it's the bridge of control center communicate with hookers too.