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我们用网捕了三条鱼。We netted three fish.

一种不详的预兆萦绕着他。He was netted by an ill omen.

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他网了许多蝴蝶。He netted a lot of butterflies.

他得到了我们所有人的支持。He netted the support of all of us.

他们没有捕到大得足以让他们保留的鱼。They netted no fish large enough to keep.

中场时麦可为俱乐部入网了他的第一分。Center half Mike netted his first goal for the club.

同时,主要由硅橡胶制作的胸罩呈细网结构。The bra produced mainly with silastic has fine netted structure.

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扫毒行动已缴获了近900千克的可卡因。The anti-drug sweep had netted nearly 900 kilogrammes of cocaine.

匈牙利前锋西蒙下半场同样有所斩获。Hungarian striker Andras Simon also netted a second half equaliser.

我们是如何地无助,像被网住的鸟,当我们被欲望所拦截。How helpless we are, like netted birds, when we are caught by desire!

杰梅因·迪福为三狮军团在温布利上演帽子戏法,亚当·约翰逊也有一球入帐。Jermain Defoe netted a hat-trick and Adam Johnson was also on the mark.

福兰为客队进球,吉尔贝托席尔瓦打进乌龙球。Forlan hit a brace for the visitors and Gilberto Siva netted an own goal.

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本赛季内马尔在巴甲中出场18次进11球。Neymar has netted 11 times in 18 appearances in the Brasileiro this season.

在上一个战果辉煌的赛季中,梅西共效力51场比赛,贡献了38个进球In an outstanding season, Messi netted 38 goals in 51 games in all competitions

应用三交种育种技术培育出网纹甜瓜新品种“瑞龙”。The new variety of netted melon Ruilong is bred by a hybrid and an inbred line.

由于亨利在37场英超比赛中攻入30球,他获得了金靴奖。Henry picks up the Barclaycard Golden Boot award having netted 30 goals in 37 games.

大二时,他在低位平均每次投篮能得到1.04分,但在大三时,却只能得到0.40分。Likewise, he netted 1.04 PPP in the post as a sophomore, but just 0.40 PPP as a junior.

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佩莱格里诺参加了他代表利物浦的首场比赛,并在比赛中攻入了他的首粒利物浦进球。Mauricio Pellegrino has played his first game in a red shirt and netted his first goal.

在葡萄牙,路易斯奥在第84分钟攻入制胜球,回到安菲尔德,西芒和米科利各有进账。In Portugal Luisao netted an 84th minute winner. In the return Simao and Miccoli scored.

杯内置有网状孔眼的盒体用以放咖啡豆,可有效地防止焦糊。In the cup is a netted box for coffee beans capable of preventing them from being burnt.