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尼日利亚的电力供应现状很是滑稽。The situation is grotesque.

里面是古怪的方块字。In square, grotesque characters.

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最荒诞不经的一种三角恋爱。A love triangle of the most grotesque kind.

实际的产品不可避免地变得丑陋。The actual product is unavoidably grotesque.

怪峰突兀。A grotesque peak thrusts itself towards the sky.

人们对博纳病毒的认识一开始是模糊的和古怪的。The borna virus is at once obscure and grotesque.

我感觉那是对我们生活的一种干扰,让人感到荒唐可气。I felt it was a grotesque intrusion into our lives.

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那胖老头穿著紧身裤显得很可笑。The fat old man looks grotesque in his tight pants.

这些奇形怪状的石头来自附近的太湖。The grotesque stones come from the nearby Lake Tai.

那仁画家虽说不上古怪,也可算够奇特的了。The painter is a little singular, not to say grotesque.

我觉得很难再想像有一种更怪异的补贴了。I find it difficult to imagine a more grotesque subsidy.

相反,这是一种荒诞的推卸责任行为。It is, instead, a grotesque abdication of responsibility.

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希罗宁姆斯·博希是怪诞派绘画大师。Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.

两只形态奇异的石狮子守卫着入口处。The two stone lions, of grotesque shape, guard the entrance.

那个干瘪难看的小老头是个臭名远扬的吝啬鬼。That wizened and grotesque little old man is a notorious miser.

滴水嘴和其它怪物形状的排水口。Rain spouts terminating in gargoyles and other grotesque creatures.

不要因它怪诞就俯首听命,听任它的摆布。Don't toe the line just as it is grotesque , left to the mercy of it.

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他想要看到这种怪诞的景像,这些尸体躺在那儿。He wanted to see this grotesque sight, these dead bodies lying there.

这是一部关于诸如钓鱼和游泳等简单事件的无言荒诞剧。Nonverbal grotesque about such simple thing as a fishing and swimming.

夜晚躺在床上的时候,各种离奇怪诞的幻想纷至沓来。The most grotesque fantastic conceits haunted him in his bed at night.