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我就依她!I depend on her!

我们依赖于他们的工作。We depend on their work.

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很大程度上要依靠尼诺。A lot may depend on Nino.

他全家靠他养活。His family depend on him.

你的成败取决于此。Your dreams depend on it.

不要依靠油灰状的黏性材料。Do not depend on the putty.

我的同事们都指望我。My colleagues depend on me.

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你总可以依赖她。You can always depend on her.

有一些将取决于您的情况。Some depend on your situation.

他说话有准头。You can depend on what he says.

我们的计划要看天气而定。Our plans depend on the weather.

孩子们依靠父母亲。Children depend on their parents.

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经济增长不能依靠掠夺。Growth doesn't depend on plunder.

你可以相信他一定会在那儿。You can depend of him to be there.

我们所有的经济都得靠石油。All of our economies depend on oil.

我知道我可以依赖你。Becauce I know I can depend on you.

他们都应该依赖于抽象。Both should depend on abstractions.

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生物对阳光有依赖性。Living stuffs depend on the sunlight.

生物对阳光有依赖。Living things depend on the sunlight.

人必须生活着,爱才有所附丽。People must live, love can depend on.