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同理,在发电厂的烟囱上安装热电装置,就可以收集更多的能量,从而发更多的电。And thermoelectric devices could be used in other areas.

量杯的下部有热电制冷器。The lower part of the measuring cup houses a thermoelectric cooler.

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电工白铜一般有良好的热电性能。General Electric copper-nickel alloy has a good thermoelectric properties.

焊接条件对温差电致冷组件的性能有重要的影响。Soldering condition has great effect on the performance of thermoelectric module.

将电路中的温度梯度减至最小也可以降低热电动势。Minimizing temperature gradients within the circuit also reduces thermoelectric EMFs.

研究了水冷式半导体冷藏箱冷端和热端传热对冷藏箱性能的影响。A thermoelectric refrigerator with a water-cooled hot side was designed and constructed.

在此基础上,进行了利用热电热泵装置进行除湿的探讨。On the basis, made a discussion of dehumidification by thermoelectric heat pump devices.

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热电变换器利用这种温差来产生电流。The thermoelectric convertor makes use of this differential to generate an electric current.

这就是为什么宝马在测试车的排气管中配置了一个热能发电机。This is why BMW has fitted a thermoelectric generator in the exhaust system of the test car.

燃煤或褐煤的热力发电厂,规划的。右击可指定为已投入使用的。Coal or lignite fueled thermoelectric generating station planned. right-click for in service.

燃煤或褐煤的热力发电厂。可指定为规划的或已投入使用的。Coal or lignite fueled thermoelectric generating station. planned or in service can be specified.

本文首先对热电现象,热电材料的发展历史进行了比较详细的综述。This paper have reviewed detailed the thermoelectricity, the history of thermoelectric materials.

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经济性是热电制冷器设计与使用的核心问题。Economy of the thermoelectric refrigerator is the core of attention in its design and application.

经济性是热电制冷器设计与使用的核心问题。Economy of the thermoelectric refrigerator is the focus of attention in its design and application.

闭锁继电器采用了一个电流脉冲进行激励,因此其热电漂移非常小。Latching relays use a pulse of current to actuate them, so they have very low thermoelectric drift.

本文论述了四级微型半导体致冷器与红外探测器金属杜瓦瓶的钎焊方法。This paper deals with method of soldering thermoelectric cooler with metal dewar of infrared detector.

哈格尔施泰因说,目前商业上热转变电的设备只能达到这个极限的大约十分之一。But current commercial thermoelectric devices only achieve about one-tenth of that limit, Hagelstein says.

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他说,所释放的电量比热点计算法预计的要多得多。The amount of power released, he says, is much greater than that predicted by thermoelectric calculations.

热电效应能将温差直接转换成电压,反之亦然。The thermoelectric effect is the direct conversion of temperature differences to electric voltage and vice-versa.

本文主要对碳纳米管膜的气敏、湿敏和温差电效应进行了研究。In this study, gas-sensitivity, humidity-sensitivity and thermoelectric effect of CNT films have been investigated.