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什么是行事功能?What is the performative function?

这是性行为的完美阐释。What a perfect representation of performative sex.

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栗原贞子最后一首史诗是如诗似诗,也是行事语言。Shoda's last epic poem became just as performative as it was poetic.

因为它实际上是要,把你拉入一个非常具有表演性的世界。Because what it really is doing, it's trying to pull you into a world,a very performative world.

有一些结构性条件可以增加主动性联系的可能性。There are certain structural conditions that increase the probability of performative ties occurring.

诗歌也是一样,个人主义至上,表演派只能变得生动活波。Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness.

作者指出,德里达的演现性言语行为是对其所谓的“整体性他者”之呼唤的一种回应。His performative speech act is actually a response to the call of what he calls "le tout autre, " the wholly other.

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如果员工在公司能够接触到不同的网络,这就能让他们更容易建立主动性联系。If people are embedded in multiple networks in the office, that makes them more likely to engage in performative ties.

一旦给他至上权力的这个述行机制被揭穿,这个主人就丧失了他的权力。As soon as the performative mechanism which gives him his charismatic authority is unmasked, the Master loses his power.

如果说小丑依赖的是狡猾的双关语,那么王庆松则是利用照相机的视觉和表演性。Where the Fool relied on cunning verbal puns , Wang Qingsong manipulates the visual and performative nature of the camera.

真理行为理论是斯特劳森真理观的一个重要组成部分,这一章着重讨论这一问题。It aims to explore Strawson's views of truth. Performative theory of truth is an important part of Strawson's views of truth.

标牌告示语是一种社会性标志语,它通过使用特定的施为性动词来体现其特有的指令、警示和劝告等社会功能。Placards are social signs that have the social functions of giving directions, warning or advice with certain performative verbs.

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斯特劳森的真理行为理论主要是通过与奥斯汀围绕着“为真”问题的激烈争论,呈现出来的。This part mainly discusses it. Strawson's performative theory of truth is presented by his debating with Austin around "be true".

哈特从语境原则、多样性原则、语言的开放结构及语言的施事效用四个方面论述了法律语言的独特性。Hart expound the uniqueness of legal language from context principle, diversified principle, open texture and performative uses of language four respect of legal language.

在中国美学中,并不缺乏有关中国艺术表演性的书写。我们将在适当的时候谈谈他们。There is no lack of writings in Chinese aesthetic literature in which these performative aspects of Chinese art are highlighted. We shall talk about them at appropriate times.

这第一部分强调了偶然性、多元性和实践性这几个条件,并且通过对其规范的、计虑的和施行的这些表达方式的阐述来界定实践智慧。This first installment emphasizes conditions of contingency, plurality, and praxis, and defines prudence in terms of its normative, calculative, and performative articulations.

本文旨在梳理两种真理意义关系观点的基础上,借助于对斯特劳森真理行为理论和指称理论的分析,来揭示他的真理意义观。Based on sorting out their relation, with the help of analysis on Strawson's performative theory of truth and reference theory, the article aims to reveal his views of truth and meaning.

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民俗表演艺术样式是一种文学性与艺术性并重的、根植于民间的群众性艺术表演体裁,广义上可以纳入民俗学的研究范畴。Deeply rooted in the common folks as a category of art performance, the performative genre of folklore falls generally into folkloric studies, featuring both its literary and artistic values.

因此在这个项目中,行为艺术的部分就是我试图去打破这个安全距离,仿佛是在故意“撞人”,在两个人最靠近的一个瞬间拍一张照片,看看对方有怎样的反应。In this project, the performative part is that I want to break this distance by bumping into people on purpose, and take a picture when the two get most "intimate", to see how the person responses.