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贝特加在里昂?Bettega in Lyon?

肯扬在里昂谈判。Kenyon is in Lyon negotiating.

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他会去里昂,到时看情况而定。He will travel to Lyon and we will see.

马赛滑落至积分榜中游,7分落后第三名里尔。Lyon slipped to third place, three points behind PSG.

玛丽•里昂于1797年出生于马萨诸塞州的巴克兰。Mary Lyon was born in Buckland, Massachusetts, in 1797.

但,也许,始终不如他对伊莎贝尔里昂的敌意引人注目。But not as striking, perhaps, as his animus for Isabel Lyon.

艾伯和雪莉。格里菲斯讲述麦瑞。莱昂。Today, Steve Ember and Shirley Griffith tell about Mary Lyon.

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里昂奥林匹克队中场阿劳·迪亚拉正在和尤文图斯谈话。Olympique Lyon midfielder Alou Diarra is in talks with Juventus.

当挪威人卡路为里昂效力的时候,2006年两人在摩纳哥相遇。They met in Monaco in 2006, when Norwegian Carew played for Lyon.

克里斯也知道里昂在他缺席的时候受了不少影响。Cris is all-too-aware of the problems Lyon suffered in his absence.

朴茨茅斯正在追逐里昂前锋戈武。Portsmouth are in the frame for Olympique Lyon attacker Sidney Govou.

我曾非常接近里昂,但是克林斯曼出面邀请,我还能想些什么?I was very close to Lyon but when Klinsmann called me I had no doubts.

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到1717年他在这里以黄色狮子作为标志开了一家商店卖茶叶和咖啡。In 1717 he opened the Golden Lyon here as a shop to sell tea and coffee.

1466年,国王路易十一决定在里昂发展国家丝绸工业。In 1466 King Louis XI decided to develop a national silk industry in Lyon.

1540年,国王弗朗索瓦一世准予里昂城拥有丝绸生产的垄断权。In 1540 the king granted a monopoly on silk production to the city of Lyon.

苏丽文发现钟离一直盯着他们,于是让贺俊峰不要回头看。Sue Lyon found clock from staring at them, and let He Junfeng dont look back.

劳尔·阿尔比奥尔和卡里姆·本泽马在赛后混合区接受了采访。Raul Albiol and Karim Benzema talked about the match in Lyon in the mixed zone.

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玛丽·里昂20岁的时候,她开始了很长一段时间的学习和教学。When Mary Lyon was 20 years old, she began a long period of study and teaching.

切尔西两年前花费了两千四百多万将埃辛从里昂挖来。Chelsea splashed 24 million-plus to land Ghanaian Essien from Lyon two years ago.

里昂是这些书诞生的地方,我觉得在这里扫描这些书很正常也很好。I find it normal and good that that book is scanned in Lyon where it was written.