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史密森收藏学会是美国的国家钱币收藏馆。The Smithsonian houses the National Numismatic Collection of the United States.

钱币的证据表明了古印度有了熔炼的技术。Numismatic evidence of the advances made by smelting technology in ancient India.

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一个钱币上印有了全部图案细节,在冲压时,金属流进了钢模的全部空间。A numismatic item that has full detail. The metal flows into all areas of the die.

接待我们的是周祥先生,周先生是博物馆钱币部门的负责人。Our host was Mr. Zhou Xiang, who is head of the numismatic department of the museum.

我自愿加入中国民俗钱币学会,遵守学会章程,履行会员义务。I support the objectives of The China Association of Numismatic and wish to become a member.

我自愿加入中国民俗钱币学会,遵守学会章程,履行会员义务。I support the objectives of The China Association of Numismatic Charms, and wish to become a member.

我们也会通过2001年成立的NCS提供钱币养护和认证服务。We also provideconservationand authentication through NCS, or Numismatic Conservation Services, foundedin2001.

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通过考察钱币市场情况,认为对钱币市场的管理是必要的。The author investigates the numismatic market, and points out that it is necessary to administrate the numismatic market.

那样做太愚蠢了,硬币交易商斯蒂文埃尔斯沃斯说,他在美国钱币协会教授安全课程。That's foolish, says Steven Ellsworth, a coin dealer in Clifton, Va. , who teaches security classes for the American Numismatic Assn.

硬币与纸币认证的普及性和先进性已经使美国成为世界最大的钱币市场。The popularity and preference for certified coins and bank notes has allowed the US to grow to become the largest numismatic marketplace in the world.

在印度河流域的城市里,必定也存在着一种戏剧传统,但我们并没有印有这样图案的钱币,或者是其他任何物质上的证据。There also must have existed a theatrical tradition in the Indus valley cities, but of this we have no literary numismatic or any other material proof.

今天,它每年为收藏家和投资者出售价值超过5亿美元的具有收藏价值的稀有奖章,黄金,白银,铂金以及金条。Today they sell over 500 million dollars per year of rare and collectible numismatic coins and gold, silver, and platinum coins and bars to collectors and investors.

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我们期待着为钱币专家和收藏家提供服务,满足他们的需求,同时也很感激各位给予我们这样一个机会。We look forward to servicing the needs of numismatic professionals and collectors here, and we are very appreciative of the opportunities you have made available to us.

结合材料科学的知识和大量钱币知识,他们尽最大努力以还原你的硬币到原本的外观。Combining knowledge of materials science with extensive numismatic experience, they strive to the fullest extent possible to return your coin to its original appearance.

2009年10月,集邮和钱币办公室梵蒂冈城国制作了一个由韩德尔,海顿和门德尔松-尔迪音乐作品选光盘。In October 2009, the Philatelic and Numismatic Office of the Vatican City State produced a CD with a selection of musical works by Handel, Haydn and Mendelssohn-Bartholdy.