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伊莎多拉·邓肯卒于1927年。Isadora Duncan died in 1927.

伊莎多拉。邓肯并不喜欢芭蕾舞。Isadora Duncan did not like ballet.

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伊莎多拉。邓肯有着在当时非常开放的观念。Isadora Duncan had very liberal ideas for the time.

跳舞的时候,伊莎多拉。邓肯总是穿着非常薄的衣服。When she danced, Isadora Duncan wore very thin clothing.

伊莎多拉喜欢用非常流畅的动作摆动手臂和腿脚。Isadora liked to move her arms and legs in very smooth motions.

伊莎多拉的青少年时期大多是在旧金山渡过的。Isadora spent most of her teen-aged years in the San Francisco area.

伊莎多拉和她的两个哥哥、一个姐姐由母亲玛丽一个人抚养。Isadora and her brothers and sister were raised by their mother, Mary.

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但伊莎多拉·邓肯渐渐明白,缺少圆满爱情的生活是不完满的。But Isadora Duncan learned that life without the fullness of love was incomplete.

舞者伊莎朵拉邓肯以她的云衫闻名于世。Dancer Isadora Duncan was well known for the flowing garments that she always wore.

伊莎多拉。邓肯又陆续去了巴黎、柏林、维也纳和欧洲的其他大城市。Isadora Duncan moved on to Paris, Berlin, Vienna and the other great cities of Europe.

叛逆的伊莎多拉·邓肯赢得了叛逆,却失去了值得为之奋斗的一切。Isadora Duncan, the rebel, had won her rebellion and lost all that was worth the fight.

伊莎多拉想跳的舞在当时是属于新的舞蹈类型,与其他的舞蹈完全不同。The kind of dancing Isadora wanted to do was new and different from other dances at the time.

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一天夜晚,伊莎多拉和她的一个哥哥在一个小园里披着他们的希腊面纱翩然起舞。Then one night Isadora and one of her brothers were dancing in their Grecian veils in a small garden.

在雅典的山丘上,伊莎多拉召集了一班希腊小男孩跟在自己身边,教他们跳舞。In the Athenian hills Isadora gathered a class of small Grecian boys about her. She taught them dances.

一年过去,他们的钱袋空了,伊莎多拉同家人又回到了现代文明,来到维也纳。A year passed, and their purse was empty, Isadora and her kin returned to modern civilization and Vienna.

伊莎多拉。邓肯作为现代舞之母而被铭记,同时,人们还记住了她的苦难人生。Isadora Duncan is remembered as the mother of modern dance. But she is also remembered for the tragedy in her life.

人们常让伊莎多拉。邓肯谈谈她的舞蹈风格,以及舞蹈作为一种艺术如何才能随着时代的更新而不断有所变化。Isadora Duncan was often asked to explain her style of dancing and to say how dance as an art might change over time.

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伊莎多拉·邓肯被誉为“今世舞之母”,就连芭蕾也遭到了她势如破竹的保守观念的影响。Isadora Duncanisknown as the "Mother of the Modern dance", but even ballet was influenced by the radical élan of her ideas.

小伊莎多拉认为母亲教的这些就是她需要的所有的教育。Mary Duncan taught her children about music, dancing, the theater and literature. Young Isadora believed this was all the education she needed.

伊莎多拉·邓肯,20世纪20年代美国一位非常受欢迎的舞蹈家,她是开车时围巾卷在车轴上而被勒死的。Isadora Duncan, a popular American dancer in the 1920s, was strangled to death after her scarf got caught up in the axle of the car she was riding in.