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关于这个案子他全无所闻。He knew nothing regarding the case.

那是质量方面的问题。It is a question regarding quality.

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至于钱嘛,那不成问题。Regarding money, that's no problem.

你知道我对此毫不介意。You knew I did not mind regarding this.

关于上面的图表,Ariely写道Regarding the graphic above, Ariely writes

关于课堂作业我有个问题。I have a question regarding the class work.

关于棚户区改造项目。Regarding shantytown reconstruction projects.

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“我们对新的审判不报任何幻想”。We have no illusions regarding the new trial.

有关适航性的警告性备忘录。An advisory memorandum regarding airworthiness.

为了这个案子,他们请教了某个法律学家。They consulted some legalist regarding the case.

您认为申请人还有何信息有助于申请本课程?May we call you at work regarding this applicant?

把上饶当作我的心、我的梦、我的骄傲。Regarding Shangrao as our heart, dream and proud.

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她没有考虑我的意见就离开学校了。She left the school without regarding my opinion.

您可以让她来来去去,不用管我。You can let her come and go without regarding me.

马玉峰对此表示反对。Ma Yufeng expresses the opposition regarding this.

至于约翰我将登时给他写信。Regarding John I will write to him simultaneously.

你也可以写一本关于某个地方的书You could also write a diet book regarding a place.

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对于常用软件都能熟练使用。All can skilled use regarding commonly usedsoftware.

我收到你关于这个主题的留言。I received your voice message regarding the subject.

对于常用软件都能熟练使用。Can use skilled regarding the commonly used software.