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那警察佩带着手枪。The policeman wore a pistol.

这手枪,对你是有好处的。This pistol is in your interests.

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那名军官把手枪别紧。The officer buckled on his pistol.

马吕斯仍把手枪捏在手里。Marius kept the pistol in his hand.

侦探用带子将手枪系住。The detective belted his pistol on.

将军走了进来,他的胯部佩带着一柄手枪。The general came in,hipping a pistol.

这里有一把上膛的激光枪。Here is a laser pistol with one charge.

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他拔出枪对准扎冈。He drew his pistol and aimed at zhagang.

他在她的手袋里藏了一把小手枪。He stowed a small pistol in her handbag.

她一枪把他打了个脑袋开花。She dashed out his brains with a pistol.

手枪的枪架是利用聚合物做成的。Frame of the pistol is made from polymer.

他扳动了扳机,但手枪没有发射。He fired but his pistol failed to go off.

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他的7.65毫米口径的瓦尔特手枪放在他脚边。His 7.65 mm Walther pistol lay by his foot.

他猛起一腿把手枪踢飞了。With a swift kick he sent the pistol flying.

警察没收了土匪的手枪。The policeman confiscated the robber's pistol.

使用手枪破坏正常的步哨防御枪。Destroy an active Sentry Gun using your Pistol.

当其中一个士兵开始骂娘时,她彻底被激怒了,掏出手枪,立马毙了他。Belle pulled out a pistol and shot the man down.

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解开伞后,我发射了信号弹。Detached from parachute, I shot a signal pistol.

他赶紧返回到楼上,拿上了他的手枪。He hopped back up the stairs and took his pistol.

他把他手枪的安全锁扣向前推了推。He pushed forward the safety catch of his pistol.