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顺便对她说句迟到的生日快乐!So, Happy Belated B-day to her!

谢谢你放的马后炮。Thanks for your belated advice.

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祝所有人,迟到的情人节快乐!Happy belated Valentine's day, all!

真遗憾是个迟到的祝愿。I’m sorry it has to be a belated wish.

现在已经晚了,但迟来的生日快乐韩期金惠!It's late, but Belated Happy Birthday Han Ji Hye!

请接受我迟来的祝福——生日快乐。NO10,6. Let me wish you a belated happy birthday.

谁会想到爱来地这么晚,却拯救了俺?Who would have thought that love so belated could save me?

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这是关于哈特曼描述的迟来的农夫。This is the simile of the belated peasant that Hartman describes.

享受姗姗来迟的拥吻,影片告诉我们,这一切才刚刚开始。Enjoy the belated smooches, tell us, all this film is just beginning.

对于伦达孜来说,比较有希望的是农业方面迟到而缓慢的改进。More hopeful for Lundazi is the slow, belated improvement in agriculture.

姗姗来迟的月亮从屋顶后面探出脸来,发觉没有人在欢迎她。The belated moon looks over the rooftops and finds no one to welcome her.

这场闪电战反映出在等级评分的不稳定性得到投资者认可之时已为时过晚。The blitz reflects a belated recognition that such ratings always were a bit dubious.

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不过人力专家称姗姗来迟的措施是不全面的,而且不太可能使问题得到解决。But labor experts say the belated measures are limited and unlikely to fix the problem.

在那儿被民兵围困了10日后,柏戈因最终缴械投降。There, surrounded by a belated outpouring of militia, Burgoyne surrendered ten days later.

当艾琳在甲板上做日光浴的时候,乔尔利用这段时间写下了这封迟到的年度信函。As Irene is sun bathing on the deck, Joel finds some down time to write the belated annual letter.

几个寻欢作乐的年青人,在酒吧边说个没完,去戏院为时已晚却还不想走。Several young merry-makers were chattering at the bar before making a belated visit to the theatre.

昨日上午珊珊来迟的“梅雨”,消除了人们对可能发生干旱的忧虑。Worries over a possible drought eased with the belated arrival of the "plum rains" yesterday morning.

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报告澄清了一些几个月前的问题,在这之前一直没有任何解释。The report offered some belated clarityabout an event that for months had resisted easy interpretation.

但我们今天不会在这个问题上花很多时间,因为我们已经在过时的观点上踌躇太久。This isn't a topic that we stumble on today as a result of some belated sophistication we have achieved.

这本由见证人记述讲道理的迟来之书,涉及到入侵的起因。One, whelloch thellos belated book of eye-witness accounts illuminates, concerns the origins of the invasion.