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松果杖代表着塔罗牌“月亮”。Thyrsus epitomize the tarot card of The Moon.

概括本文的大意和描写方法。Epitomize the general idea , the depict way of the text.

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概括本文的怠忽和描写举措。Epitomize the genering idea . the depict way of the text.

玩兴,备用优雅,机智的缩影比利柯林斯诗歌。Playfulness, spare elegance, and wit epitomize the poetry of Billy Collins.

这个巨大的社会变化中的一个迷人的部分,是那些有代表性的人们。A fascinating part of this tremendous societal change is the people who epitomize it.

另外,川剧的司鼓艺术、帮腔艺术等都体现出独特的喜剧特征。In addition, the music and the art of drum epitomize these special comedy characters too.

Boligarchs代表了查韦斯的社会主义主张的虚伪,而且至今没有展示出太大的变化。The Boligarchs epitomize the hypocrisy of Chávez's socialism and show how little has changed.

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形态比赛裁判试图发现能够集公认某一犬种标准于一体的犬只。Dog show judges attempt to identify dogs who epitomize the published standards for each breed.

他很健谈,而且事前他只需要写几个字当摘要。He is quite talkative and he only need to epitomize his speech with several words before hand.

反而这类的消费者要求比对手更炫,当作自己成功的缩影。Instead, such consumers demand flash in order to one-up rivals and epitomize their own success.

此外,徐静蕾推出的电子杂志高居排行榜,同时她颇具人气的博客都是她智慧与才能的体现。Moreover, Xu's highly rated e-magazine and popular personal blog also epitomize her wisdom and talents.

对我来说,这些反应代表了私有软件通常造成的习得性无助。To me, these reactions epitomize the learned helplessness that proprietary software usually encourages.

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总体来看,整个系列的故事在一定程度上可以视为一个时代的缩影。Taken as a whole, this series of paintings and woodcuts can, to a certain extent, epitomize a period of history.

他把自己描绘为一位独身主义者,故意摆出某种姿态来象徵他的坚定品格,但是他至少有两位妻子或小妾。He portrayed himself as a celibate, a pose calculated to epitomize his moral fiber, but he had at least two wives or perhaps concubines.

她做梦也不普恩到一场新的恋爱会以这样的方式出现,也没意识到地所引起的这种情扈竟会是爱情。She did not dream that in such guise new-born love would epitomize itself. Nor did she dream that the feeling he excited in her was love.

教师管理的专业化,集中体现为“管理主体客体化”和“管理客体主体化”。The professionalization of teacher management epitomize "management subject turns into object"and "management object turns into subject".

梦想是理想生活的影像——换句话说,梦想是一个把你从A带到B点的装置。Dreams epitomize the way you want to live your life ------Goals, on the other hand, are simply a device to get you from Point A to Point B.

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无所不在的松脆的、金色的面包条的价格似乎概括了生活费用上升和消费者口袋里现金短缺的现象。The price of the omnipresent crisp, golden loaf seemed to epitomize the rising cost of living and the shortage of cash in consumers' pockets.

吉姆。里夫斯和埃迪。阿诺如丝般细腻流畅的嗓音最能代表五十年代纳什维尔地区的录音棚中的滑音。The silky smooth voices of Jim Reeves and Eddy Arnold epitomize the slick sounds which came out of Nashville recording studios in the 1950's.

运用隐喻,能形象而概括地说明问题,使语言生动、鲜明、富有表现力与感染力。By using the metaphor, we can epitomize problems visually, and can make language vivid, brilliant, and full of the expressive and infective forces.