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梦到掉牙。Teeth falling out.

风势渐衰。The wind is falling.

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我是指睡着的事。I mean falling asleep.

但是醉汉摔倒?But drunks falling over?

相爱容易相守难。Falling in love is easy.

不顾那正在飘落的雪。Despite the falling snow.

漆黑很快惠临。Darkness was falling fast.

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雪下得正密。The snow is falling thick.

雪片霏霏地下着。Snow was falling in flakes.

高高地落自树梢。Falling from on high leaves.

哭得天塌下。Heaven, heaven falling down.

她能不能不要再跌落了?Would she ever stop falling?

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伦敦铁桥垮下来。London bridge's falling down.

他的房子正在跌价。His house is falling in price.

伦敦桥要塌下来。London Bridge is falling down.

我们的爱情,她若雪飘零。Our love, she if snow falling.

我们向你致敬,坠落熊2号。We salute you, Falling Bear 2.

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他被一块落下的砖头砸伤了。He was hurt by a falling brick.

哦,听那淅淅沥沥的雨。Oh, listen to the falling rain.

霏霏小雨恼春光。Mad spring rain started falling.