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她在瞎说些什么呀?What is she bumbling on about?

那位笨手笨脚的服务生把水泼在客人的身上了。The bumbling waiter spilled water on a customer.

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病人含糊地说了他的手术经过。The patient kept bumbling on about his operation.

我是一个在笨拙地尝试一个母亲角色的父亲。I’m a father who makes bumbling attempts at motherly things.

作为福尔摩斯的助手,他通常被刻画成一个笨手笨脚的人。He has often been portrayedas Holmes’ rather bumbling assistant.

而言,她的通感单词就同样会暴露装模作样的反应次数。M. , these bumbling reaction times also show up for her synaesthetic words.

56岁的艾金森说,他觉得自己年龄太大,难以继续扮演这个傻里傻气的角色了。Atkinson, 56, says he believes he is too old to play the bumbling character.

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巴地说个不停,可谁也不明白她说些什么。The old lady kept bumbling on about something, but nobody could understand her.

两个不自量力的安森人试图绑架奥菲,这是他们计划当中的一部分。As part of the intrigue, a pair of bumbling Ansionians attempted to kidnap Offee.

就在蓝精灵们争相逃脱这位笨手笨脚的巫师的追赶时,笨笨跟大家走散了。As they scramble to get away from the bumbling wizard, Clumsy goes the wrong way.

伊莎一号和那个笨手笨脚的纳吉莎能拯救人类并打败那个邪恶的武士吗?Can Iczer-One and the bumbling Nagisa save the human race and defeat the evil Big Gold?

比如我们的军队是否摒弃了其一贯的装模作样的官僚主义作风?Has the military really ceased to be the big, bumbling bureaucracy it was always taken to be?

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研究你在行的课题论点——至少不要像个结结巴巴的白痴。Research your subject to the point where you are an expert -- or at least not a bumbling idiot.

他的笨拙错误常常让奥图刚加城市的官员们头痛不已,尤其是大炮队长。His bumbling caused many a headache to city officials in Otoh Gunga, especially Captain Tarpals.

阿尔弗雷德维卡里是辉煌的,但装模作样丘吉尔教授已被窃听,以保护操作。Alfred Vicary is the brilliant but bumbling professor Churchill has tapped to protect the operation.

就像笨贼们会在犯罪现场留下指纹一样,烹饪用油也会在食物中留下痕迹。Like bumbling burglars who leave fingerprints at a crime scene, cooking oils leave their own clues.

如果出现任何错漏,都是愚痴的比丘尼强帕的过失,敬请原谅!All of the mistakes are the fault of the bumbling Bhiksuni called Jampa Chodron, so please forgive me.

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塔帕尔斯严密注视着这个笨拙的流放犯,不许这个年轻人再进入冈根人的社会。Tarpals kept an eye on the bumbling outcast, making sure the youngster didn't re-enter Gungan society.

相反,他将自己讲话含糊、不时做出匪夷所思举动的表现归咎于过量服用感冒药。He instead blamed his bumbling and at times incomprehensible performance on an overdose of cold medicine.

仅仅在不到10年前,德国还是一个为失业和滞涨所困扰的经济巨兽,步履蹒跚。Less than a decade ago, Germany was a bumbling behemoth beset by chronic unemployment and pathetic growth.