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然后,选择持久性映射程序组件。Then, choose the persistence mapper component.

clj-record是一个类似于ActiveRecord的ORM映射器。clj-record is an ActiveRecord-like ORM mapper.

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EF是一个用于.NET应用程序的对象关系映射框架。EF is an Object-Relational mapper for .NET applications.

设备映射器模块必须在系统启动时装载。The Device mapper module must be loaded at system startup.

陷在缝中的制图者用皮带轻击塞子套套。The mapper trapped in the gap tapped the tap wrapper with strap.

埳在缝中的制图者用皮带轻击塞子套。The mapper trapped in the breach tapped the pat wrapper with strap.

这是个简单、效的对象-关系映射工具。Cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine.

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这里有一个对象关系映射程序,它是一块隐藏的宝石。There is an object relational mapper out there that is a hidden gem.

在该映射器文件中,我们会添加一个部分以定义参数值的映射。In this mapper file, we add a section to define the mapping of parameter values.

将低面与高面数模型分别输入法向线贴图产生程式中以计算出法向线贴图。Load low and high poly model into the normal mapper program to calculate the normal texture.

需要什么样的映射才能在表示业务流程接口的数据结构之间架起桥梁?What kind of mapper will we need to bridge the data structures representing the business processes interfaces?

在第四章中,我们结合具有延迟处理器的篱栅编码架构与正交空时区块码应用于正交分频多工系统。In chapter 4, we concatenate space-time block coding with a delay processor and a signal mapper in OFDM system.

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多功能绘图仪,调整使用方便、所绘图形准确,不需验证。The multi-functional mapper has convenient adjustment and use and accurate mapped graphics, without needing being validated.

另外,制图员编号及密码亦会于同一电邮内提供,以便你将来登入网上系统提交地图作品之用。Meanwhile, Mapper ID and password will be provided in the same email so that you can log in and submit your maps in the future.

找到包含端点的有效绑定句柄之后,它用本地端点映射器在数据库中注册这个端点。Once a valid binding handle with an endpoint is found, it starts conversing with local end point mapper to register the endpoint in the database.

我非常肯定为特定的存储引擎开发DM适配器只需要花费一些时间来编写一个完整的对象映射器。I've certainly developed DM adapters for specific storage engines in a fraction of the time it would take to write an entire object mapper from scratch.

这是个简单、效的对象-关系映射工具。它使用轻量级数据和工厂对象实现对关系数据的快速访问。Cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine. It provides rapid access to relational data using lightweight data and factory java objects.