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刷子,澡堂碗,蜡烛。Brushes, Hammam Bowls, Candles.

还来得及到拐角处去洗个澡——土耳其式的蒸汽浴,外带按摩。Time to get a bath round the corner. Hammam. Turkish. Massage.

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国际足联称哈曼和华纳如今将面临全面调查。FIFA says bin Hammam and Warner will now face a full FIFA inquiry.

在哈曼索斯,有十二个公众栏板贴上了选举的海报。In Hammam Sousse, twelve public spaces have been delegated for campaign posters.

哈曼从1996年起成为国际足联的内阁成员,他也是埃米尔的宠臣之一。A member of FIFA's cabinet since 1996, Bin Hammam is one of the Emir's favourites.

本哈曼曾助布拉特一臂之力,但以后,他也许会把布拉特拉下马来。Bin Hammam had helped put Blatter up there and in time, Bin Hammam might take Blatter down.

哈曼否认了这些指控,称这是布拉特的支持者策划的诽谤活动。Mr Bin Hammam denied the charges and said it was a smear campaign launched by those backing Sepp Blatter.

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设计的温泉和澡堂是微妙而低估了,在轻装饰大理石与彩色纸皮石。The design of The Spa and Hammam is subtle and understated, decorated in light marble with coloured mosaic tiles.

楼上是非常开放的平面,包含大部分的生活空间,包括了图书馆、电视室、桑拿浴室和蒸汽浴室。The upper floor, which is largely open plan, contains the majority of the living spaces – including a library, TV room, sauna and hammam.

足联道德委员会在周日聚会,并且决定将加勒比海足球联盟的沃纳和亚足联的哈曼停职。FIFA's ethics committee met on Sunday and decided to suspend Jack Warmer from the Caribbean Football Union and Mohammed Bin Hammam of Qatar.

他和Warner被指控要求国际协会以现金作为回报来取得亲Hammam的选票。He and Warner have been accused of offering cash gifts to national associations in return for pro-Bin Hammam votes in the presidential election.

另亦备有热石按摩、手足部美甲护理,以及各式各样于土耳其浴室内进行的磨砂护理及裹身护理。"Hot Stone Massage" is also available in addition to manicures and pedicures and a variety of scrubs and body wraps that take place in a hammam.

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在即将到来的足联代表大会,布拉特必须举办重选,而且他要面对卡塔尔哈曼的严峻考验,以争取最高位阶。At the upcoming FIFA congress, Blatter will have to run for reelection, and he faces a tough test from Qatari Mohamed Bin Hammam for the top job.

哈曼和华纳都将回答与受贿有关的问题,这与加勒比工会官员本月初的一次会议有关。Mohamed Bin Hammam and Jack Warner will be questioned over bribery charges, which relate to a meeting of Caribbean union officials earlier this month.

人们意识到这是一个朝阳产业,很多人对购买和经营这类浴室颇感兴趣。People have realised they are a strong business and there is a lot of interest in buying or managing them," said Aydin Bulut, manager of the Suleymaniye hammam.

亚足联主席穆罕莫德高度赞扬了切尔西进一步对亚洲足球提供帮助的行为,并表示亚足联不会给予切尔西任何财政上的资助。AFC president Mohamed Bin Hammam has praised Chelsea for coming forward to offer their support, insisting the deal did not offer the English club any financial guarantees.

道德委员会认为这个指控关心的是5月10—11日在西班牙港举行的由华纳,哈曼和加勒比海足球官员参加的加勒比海足球联盟会议The allegations considered by the ethics committee concerned a meeting of the Caribbean Football Union on May 10th-11th in Port of Spain, attended by Warner, Bin Hammam and Caribbean soccer officials.