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他嘲笑我的愚蠢。He jests me on my folly.

我们的愚蠢把我们毁了。Our folly has undone us.

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她窃笑他干的蠢事。She snickered at his folly.

过分聪明,反成愚蠢。Too much cleverness is folly.

但是这是彻头彻尾的愚蠢想法。But that would be utter folly.

蠢事后悔已极。He bitterly repented his folly.

有些人以干荒唐事取乐。Some amuse themselves in folly.

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当可爱的女人糊涂做了傻事。When lovely woman stoops to folly.

他十分后悔他的蠢行。He has bitterly repented his folly.

美丽愚蠢常相伴。Beauty and folly are old companions.

按愚人的蠢话回答愚人。Answer a fool according to his folly.

这或者是一庄傻事,但是我爱他!It is folly no doubt, but I love him.

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那希冀高远的天国仍然太愚蠢!Twere folly still to hope for higher Heaven.

这一类荒唐事在某种意义上可能是很难避免的。Folly may be hard to avoid in the larger sense.

我只希望我的愚行能使雷金纳德引以为戒。I only hope reginald will take example by my folly.

我想让他再考虑下他荒唐的决定。I wanted him to consider the folly of his decision.

现在,同心协力,我们把这些荒唐事永远的转变!Now, together, we are reversing this folly forever!

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我的创痍溃烂流脓,完全由于我的愚蒙。Foul and festering are my sores because of my folly.

又一次,塔伦特干的蠢事变成了卡拉顿的大麻烦!Once again, Tarant's folly becomes Caladon's problem!

愚妄人的思念乃是罪恶,亵慢者为人所憎恶。The schemes of folly are sin, and men detest a mocker.