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独角兽和飞马令人生畏的混血。Formidable hybrid of unicorn and Pegasus.

我没有理由反对神马号的探险。I got nothing against the Pegasus expedition.

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飞马是古代一匹有名的长着翅膀的马。Pegasus is a famous winged horse of ancient times.

我们旅行的终点常常是派格瑟斯酒店的泳池。Our tours often ended by the pool at the Pegasus Hotel.

她解释,螯针一半是女人,一半是飞马。A centris, she explained, is half woman and half pegasus.

臻品视觉盛宴,成就品牌先锋!Pegasus products visual feast, achievements brand Pioneer!

翱翔在秋季夜空中的是神话中的飞马星座。Flying high in the autumn sky is the mythical winged horse Pegasus.

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有的,还有其他多种飞行坐骑,比如飞马和狮鹫。Yes, many flying mounts are available, such as pegasus or griffins.

Pegasus这一数据显示商务旅行已经呈现复苏迹象。According the Pegasus a clear sign that business travel is recovering.

飞马剧院是一个基于牛津大学艺术中心成立于1962年。The Pegasus Theatre is an Oxford-based arts centre established in 1962.

一位较不有名的希腊神祇柏勒洛丰渴望掳获派格瑟斯并驯服他。Bellerophon, a lesser-known Greek god, longed to capture and tame Pegasus.

夜幕才刚刚落下,飞马座巨大的四方形便嵌在天空中散发光彩。The Great Square of Pegasus sparkles over your eastern horizon at early evening.

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哪次任务里该隐上将要求帕嘉索斯号和卡拉狄加号并肩作战?。What mission does Adm . Cain order the Pegasus and the Galactica to take on together?

飞马的内涵是要打破目前的形象和轮椅的外观。The intension of Pegasus is to break with the image and appearance of current wheelchairs.

在一个没有月光、漆黑的十一月晚上,让巨大的天马座指引我们找到双鱼座形成的圆。On a dark, moonless November night, let the Great Square of Pegasus guide you to the Circlet of Pisces.

天马由于太过靠近提丰的右手而被压掌下动弹不得。奎托斯试图解救天马,但屡次无功而返。Pegasus makes the mistake of flying too close to Typhon's hand and becomes trapt under its vast weight.

在阿达玛上将确认了那是海伦娜·该隐和太空堡垒珀伽索斯以后,他对她说了什么?。What does Admiral Adama say to Helena Cain when he confirms it is actually her and the Battlestar Pegasus?

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熟悉飞马座的大四方形之后,待到无月的夜空,你便可以利用这些星星挖掘到更多天上的宝石。Learn the Great Square of Pegasus now, and you can use these stars later to star-hop to many a celestial treasure.

恰好位于天文台圆顶上空的是明亮的危宿三星,位于高空的飞马座内。Fittingly poised above the observatory dome is the bright, giant star Enif in the high-flying constellation Pegasus.

“我们不能在长岛上建造神马号。”苹果买指出,“这是一个发射的理想地点。”"We couldn't build the Pegasus on Long Island, " Appleby pointed out, "and this is the ideal spot for the take off. "