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我们来重新整理一下。Well, let's reorganize this a little bit.

如何治理和整顿虚假广告是当前亟待解决的一个重大问题。It′s a big problem to administer and reorganize such ads.

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12月2日美高梅公司获得批准,重组归在望远镜娱乐公司之下。MGM got approval Dec. 2 to reorganize under Spyglass Entertainment.

我来整理下,把所有系数项合并到一起。And let me just reorganize that by actually putting all the a's together.

那只意味着他们对于承诺的付款进行了重新安排。This just means that they reorganize their schedule of promised payments.

所以,他决定改组他的内阁。He had to find another way. So he decided to reorganize his whole cabinet.

一旦创建了一个构件,你不能重新组织它到子构件里。Once you create a component, you cannot reorganize it into sub components.

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他想重新组织当时奄奄一息的马克斯韦尔及查默斯汽车公司。He wanted to reorganize the dying Maxwell and Chalmers Motor Car Companies.

这会让你整理编辑的工作变得简单得多。It makes it a lot easier to edit and reorganize sections of your animation.

新增网站选单,编辑现有选择,及重新命名与组织选单连结。Add new menus to your site, edit existing menus, and rename and reorganize menu links.

阿尔-扎维说,在叛军重整以后将开始向Sirte进军。The march on Sirte, said al-Zawi, would start after the rebels regroup and reorganize.

他变法的第一项内容就是要整顿陵替的法制。The first item of his political reform is to reorganize the breakdown of law and order.

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你可以修整或重新给你的桌子涂漆,整理衣橱,擦窗户或者洗地毯。You can paint, refinish your table, reorganize closets, wash windows, and shampoo rugs.

在我收拾生活杂物之前,我得把储藏室重新整理,不然会太凌乱了,因为储藏室还没有收拾,所以生活杂物也不能收拾了。Before I put the groceries away I really should reorganize the pantry so it won’t be messy.

如果您期望一个索引具有较高的群集因子,就只要重组该索引上的表。If you expect an index to have a high cluster factor, just reorganize the table on that index.

重组表来创建一个压缩字典然后压缩现有内容,例如Reorganize the table to create a compression dictionary and compress the existing contents.Eg.

从你的iPhone中删除那些不需要的应用程序和音乐,整理凌乱的主屏幕显示。Delete those unwanted apps and music from your iPhone, and reorganize those messy home screens.

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该方法通过中介代理技术对封装后的功能体的重组,来实现新的业务功能。The agent technology is used to reorganize the function bodies to compose new business functions.

这样,代理可以监控对实际对象的请求,并在过滤请求和需要请求的情况下重新组织这些请求。In doing so the proxy can monitor requests to the real object and filter or reorganize them if needed.

让听众参与其中也会使你有时间检查自己的思路是否偏题。Having the group involved also gives you time to reorganize your thoughts if things are going off track.